Manuel Vicente implicates José Eduardo dos Santos in several suspicious businesses in Sonangol – O Jornal Economico


Manuel Vicente, former vice president of Angola, denounced to João Lourenço, current president, the involvement of his predecessor in the presidency, José Eduardo dos Santos, in several of the suspicious Sonangol businesses that will have injured the Angolan State in millions of euros. The news is revealed by this week’s edition of Expresso.

The weekly reports on a presidential hearing between Manuel Vicente and João Lourenço, in which the former vice president tried to dispel suspicions about him, as well as about General Hélder Vieira Dias, also known as “Kopelipa”. Thus, Manuel Vicente will have pointed out several businesses in charge of José Eduardo dos Santos, among which are the purchase of an Airbus fleet by the China-Sonangol consortium or the construction of three buildings owned by the main figures of Sonangol with funds from the oil company.

Thus, the Angolan State has little doubt that José Eduardo dos Santos was the head of this corruption scheme used by the company that presided over his daughter, Isabel dos Santos. The former president, in response to these complaints, has already tried to speak with João Lourenço and with the Angolan attorney general, Hélder Pitta Gróz.
