Maniche and Sporting’s debt to Rúben Amorim: “This has to do with dignity or shame” – Sporting


Maniche harshly criticized the management of Frederico Varandas for the fact that Sporting hired Rúben Amorim from Sp. Braga and that they have not yet paid the stipulated amount. The day that the two clubs announced that they had reached a new agreement For the payment of the debt, the former player, in statements made in the program ‘Futebol Total, of Channel 11, says that “the pandemic is for some things and not for others.”

“I could say a lot about this, but I don’t want to waste time on numbers, it’s not worth it. The numbers are exposed. I’m going for consistency, for the dignity that the Sporting institution has had over the years. Until a few years ago Years, Sporting was never in a situation like this, “he began by noting the former Portuguese international, who passed by the lions.” When you hire a coach, a player or whoever you are, you have to pay yourself! Point! There is no way back! There may be an excuse for the pandemic, but Sporting hired a player for whom they paid 6.5 million euros, Pedro Gonçalves. That is why the pandemic is for some things and for others it no longer works. If people do not pay for water, electricity and income, they will probably make a profit at the end of the year, probably ”, he added in reference to report and accounts where Sporting had a positive result.

And he continued: “This has to do with dignity or shame that may exist. You can apologize in the pandemic to manipulate reality. Sporting hired a coach and must pay! Fortunately, this agreement exists, for the good from all over the world, but we like football to be transparent. I didn’t see the deal. Sports fans should see that deal. “

“When you go on television to beg the fans to go to the stadium to support the team, in good times and bad … The fan has the right to know what is happening at the club, they have to know what happened in this agreement. Nobody knows what happened “, concluded Maniche.
