Mandatory curfew and cap: how Germany and Spain prepare for the Christmas season | Coronavirus


Spain and Germany are preparing plans for the Christmas season, a period that inspires greater concern among health authorities due to the proximity between families. With limitations on circulation and the number of people who live together, the two countries intend to reduce as much as possible the number of infections derived from the celebration of Christmas and New Year.

Germany’s 16 federal states plan to allow gatherings of up to 10 people during Christmas and New Year celebrations, easing restrictions on families and friends being able to celebrate dates together, according to a draft proposal. released this Tuesday.

The heads of government of the federal states are expected to discuss their plans for Christmas and New Year’s Eve with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday. However, the mayor of Berlin, Michael Mueller, told the ARD television channel that he is confident that the measures will be adopted, discussed on Monday with the other heads of government.

Representatives from two German federal states also revealed that the leaders agreed to extend the national lockdown before December 20 to stop the spread of COVID-19 before Christmas.

Germany closed its bars, restaurants and entertainment venues on November 2 for a month. Schools and shops remain open and meetings in private spaces were limited to a maximum of ten people from two different households.

Under the new plan, meetings would be limited to a maximum of five people until the Christmas period, when this limit would be extended. In addition, the plan proposes to ban fireworks in public places on New Year’s Eve to avoid gatherings.

“It should be possible to celebrate Christmas and other end-of-year festivities with family and friends, even in this unusual year, albeit on a smaller scale,” says the document quoted by Reuters.

Spain with mandatory collection

The Spanish Ministry of Health has proposed limiting family and social gatherings during Christmas to a maximum of six people, and has also proposed a night curfew between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. on December 24 and 31 (Christmas Eve and New Years Eve). ), according to a draft plan of public health measures to address the covid-19 pandemic during the Christmas period.

The document establishes that only family members who belong to the same household or habitual coexistence group should participate in the family The country.

If there is an external member, meetings should be limited to a maximum of six people and measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus should be ensured.

In Portugal, the Director General of Health guaranteed this Monday that the authorities are analyzing possible measures. “We are following the measures planned for Christmas and we hope that it will be possible to stop in some way the measures we have now, without the slowdown meaning any type of relaxation,” said Graça Freitas. “We are sure to have Christmas. With more or fewer people, more at a distance or less at a distance, I am sure we will celebrate it ”, he concluded.
