Man uses tourniquet to kill his wife after she files for divorce



Carla Barbosa, 35, regained her senses and ended up asphyxiated by her husband.

The Public Ministry (MP) has no doubts: Jorge Branco, 44, suffocated Carla Barbosa, 35, until his second attempt. The first, in Ribeirão, failed to commit the crime later, in Fradelos, both parishes of Vila Nova de Famalicão.It all started when Jorge asked Carla to pack the trunk of the car to make room for the purchases they were going to do, on March 23. “When he was in this task, he approached him from behind, put a tourniquet around his neck and squeezed” until he fainted, says the indictment order of the Guimarães MP, published yesterday on the website of the Prosecutor’s Office. Porto Regional District.

Believing his wife dead, the defendant put her in the trunk of the car and went to another residence house for which he had availability [em Fradelos]to get rid of “the corpse.But, “when removing the body from the trunk of the car, the club fell around the victim’s neck and the victim, who was only inanimate, regained her senses and began to scream, for which the defendant suffocated her by covering her mouth. and the nose, killing her ”, concludes the MP.Carla Barbosa had filed for divorce the week before the violent crime, but Jorge did not accept the separation and killed her. The couple’s 15-year-old daughter was shocked to learn of her mother’s death. Jorge Branco was detained at that time and is in preventive detention awaiting trial. You risk a penalty of up to 25 years in prison.
