Man caught in the act while trying to suffocate his wife with a cloth


Alenquer’s GNR arrested, last Saturday, in Carregado, in flagrant crime, a man who tried to suffocate his wife with a cloth. According to a GNR statement issued Monday, the GNR military was alerted to an episode of domestic violence between a couple.

“The military came to the scene, after having heard several cries for help from outside. As the victim seemed to be in danger of life, the military managed to enter the room, where they found the suspect covering his face with a cloth, to that he is unable to breathe, having been arrested immediately, “can be read in the GNR statement.

The same document adds that “the victim, 55, had several cuts on the face and bruises that protruded from the eyes, after being transported to a hospital unit, in a serious condition.”

The 44-year-old man was arrested for crimes of domestic violence and attempted murder. The detainee is present at the Alenquer Judicial Court.

Subsequently, the Judicial Police (PJ) was on site to carry out the judicial inspection.
