Mais um morto by Covid-19 no Santarém district


This sixth-feira, May 8, was marked by the 14th death by Covid-19 in the district of Santarém, in this case a non-resident resident of Alpiarça.

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A daily accounting has added 5 new cases to register – 2 in Torres Novas, 1 in Cartaxo, 1 in Entroncamento and 1 in Santarém, total number of 477 infected since or start of the pandemic.
Já you recovered will increase to 308, having to register 7 no business day, having agora 155 active cases.

Refira-is added that this sixth-feira confirmed by the existence of 23 active cases in the da Sonae meat factory, em Santarém.

Portugal registers leaflet 1,114 deaths related to covid-19, more recent than the fifth of February, and 27,268 infected (more 553), second or epidemiological bulletin released leaflet Direção-Geral da Saúde.
In comparison with the data of the fifth of February, in which 1,105 deaths were registered, a constant increase in deaths of 0.8% was observed.

Relatively to the number of confirmed cases of infeção pelo novo coronavírus (27,268), the data from the Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS) revealed that there have been more than 553 cases since the fifth of February (26,715), representing a rise of 2%.

A covid-19 pandemic caused nearly 267 thousand deaths and more than 3.8 thousand people in 195 countries and territories.

About 1.2 milhões de doentes foram considered cured.
