Maiata died two days after being vaccinated against Covid-19


The 41-year-old woman was a health aide at the OPI and had not revealed any “undesirable effects” related to immunity.

A 41-year-old woman, a resident of Maia and a health assistant at the Porto IPO, died two days after being vaccinated against Covid-19. The Portuguese Institute of Oncology (IPO) revealed to Correio da Manhã that the employee had not reported any “undesirable effects” related to immunity, “neither at the time of vaccination nor in the following days”.


“The explanation of the cause of death will follow the usual procedures in these circumstances,” said the OPI, underlining, in response to the Jornal de Notícias, that the causes of death “have yet to be determined” and that “will be determined in the autopsy”.

Also according to Correio da Manhã, the assistant was one of the 538 professionals of the institution who received the vaccine on December 30. On January 1, the partner found her unconscious on the bed in the bedroom, but there was nothing else to do.

Approval by the World Health Organization

On Thursday, December 31, the World Health Organization (WHO) granted its first emergency approval since the beginning of the pandemic to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, making it easier for countries that want to use the vaccine quickly. .

This procedure allows, for example, that UNICEF, the UN body responsible for an important part of the logistics for the distribution of anti-Covid vaccines worldwide, and the Pan American Health Organization can buy the vaccine for distribution in countries poor. .

This Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been administered for several weeks in the United Kingdom, European Union, United States and Switzerland, among others. Several million people have already been inoculated with this drug, with an estimated effectiveness of 95%.

The vaccination plan calls for the drug to be taken in two doses. The interval between the first and the second injection should be 21 days, and in the Pfizer-BioNTech clinical trials the interval between doses ranged from 19 to 42 days. After receiving the first dose, the user must program the second, according to the doctor or nurse’s instructions.

The vaccine takes at least ten days to begin to create protections against the virus, and it is essential that those vaccinated maintain measures of distance and individual protection after inoculation.

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