Madrid intends Christmas and New Year’s Eve limited to meetings of six people and with a curfew – Actualidade


The project of the Government of Spain proposes to limit the Christmas and New Year meetings to a maximum of six people, if they do not live together, and impose a curfew until 1:00 in the morning of December 24 and 31. Thus, there can only be more than six people if they belong to the same household.

According to El País, the measures consist of “Proposal of public health measures against covid-19 for the celebration of the Christmas holidays” (Proposal of public health measures to confront Covid-19 for the celebration of Natal ).

“In family gatherings, it is recommended that participation be limited to members belonging to the same coexistence group. If there is an external member who is not a regular partner, the meetings will have a maximum of six people and security measures must be guaranteed. prevention (6M), regardless of whether they are family members or not, ”says the document.

As the publication explains, the preventive measures called “6M” refer to wearing a mask as long as possible, washing hands frequently, maintaining physical distance, maximizing ventilation and outdoor activities, maintaining windows and doors. open as much as is safe and feasible, depending on the temperature -, minimize the number of contacts and stay home if you have symptoms, have been diagnosed or are a risk contact.

The project also recommends avoiding and minimizing social gatherings (such as company parties or former student parties), also reiterating that they should be held for a maximum of six people and preferably outdoors or on terraces with a maximum of two walls. .

College students returning home for the holidays are asked to “limit social interactions in the days leading up to their return home and reinforce preventive measures.”

To control the pandemic during this period, it also recommends that effective measures be considered, including travel limitation, with the aim of limiting travel in and out of the country as much as possible; however, the document does not impose territorial restrictions. With regard to movement between municipalities, the central government refers the decision to the regions and their respective governments.

The project also recommends the suspension of the Reis Magos parades, as well as other events that involve crowds.

The document is in the design phase and should be discussed with the regional governments at the headquarters of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.
