Madrid asks the EU to validate antigen tests in pharmacies | Coronavirus


The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, sent a letter on Tuesday to the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, requesting support for her proposal to carry out antigen tests in pharmacies to detect the coronavirus, a fundamental measure for the strategy of the regional government, which wants to test the entire population before Christmas.

In the letter, quoted by the Efe agency, Ayuso, from the Popular Party, affirms that “currently, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products does not allow” tests with rapid results to be carried out in pharmacies, so he considers that “it would be It is useful that the European authorities can validate this new form of testing, not only in Spain, but in the rest of the European regions ”.

Ayuso also maintains that, in pharmacies, “professionals are trained [para fazer os testes] and provide guarantees in terms of safety and hygiene ”, and the results can be immediately communicated to the Madrid health authorities.

The president of the Community of Madrid presents Portugal, the United Kingdom and France as examples of countries where antigen tests can be carried out in pharmacies and reinforces the intention of the regional government to invest in a substantial increase in the number of tests available to the population .

“We have multiplied our testing capacity tenfold and our goal is to continue like this,” says Ayuso. “Mass diagnosis is the key to defeating the virus and bureaucracy cannot be an obstacle,” he added.

The Community of Madrid has acquired millions of antigen tests and, so far, they have been carried out mainly in health centers. However, Ayuso wants to go further, a claim that he has been doing for several weeks and that, according to the newspaper ABCIt is already a “new battle” between the Community of Madrid and the Executive of Pedro Sánchez.

On November 4, writes the same Spanish newspaper, the Ministry of Health received a letter from Ayuso, with Minister Salvador Illa promising a response as soon as the Government has a “clear position” on the matter.

The implementation of the measure will be under discussion at the next meeting of the “covid group” between the central government and the regional executive, which is not yet scheduled, but should be held this week, according to the The country.

In that meeting, the government of Isabel Ayuso should insist on the measure of testing the population en masse until Christmas, so that the people of Madrid can spend the festive season with their families.

“My goal is that, until Christmas, all Madrilenians can take a test before seeing their families,” said the vice president of the community, Ignacio Aguado, in an interview with the television channel La Sexta, guaranteeing that the tests would be “Free for the entire population.”

“It is essential that in the coming days we can do tests [de antigénio] in pharmacies. The mass testing strategy is working. It is in the places where these tests are carried out that the curve is being controlled, and Madrid is one of those regions “, added Aguado, from Cidadãos, underlining that the population test would send” a message of tranquility to the people of Madrid ” and what time to waste ”.
