Madeira plans to vaccinate 50 thousand people in the 1st phase – DNOTICIAS.PT


Madeira plans to vaccinate 50,000 people in the 1st phase of vaccination against covid-19. The announcement was made a few moments ago by the Regional Director of Health, Herberto Jesús, responsible for presenting this plan that will cover, in the first three phases, some 200 thousand people: 50 thousand in the first, another 50 thousand in the second and, finally , 100,000 in the third phase.

The official also indicated that he could not specify how long the administration of the vaccine will take in this first phase, since everything will be done “in a regulated, judicious manner and according to the availability of vaccines”, in the latter case, Madeira will depend on the production capacity of Pfizer, a pharmaceutical product that saw the vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency.

The President of the Regional Government of Madeira, Miguel Albuquerque, said today that “all conditions” are guaranteed for the arrival of the first 9,750 vaccines against covid-19 to the region in the first week of January.

Herberto Jesús also announced the priority groups: the elderly, the sickest and those who are at the forefront of the fight against covid-19. “We will do like all of Europe,” he said, adding that this “is a dynamic plan”, so that in the future “there may be changes in priority groups.

Also according to the regional director of Health, “there must be criteria for vaccination” and “everything will be done” to respect science “and without haste, according to what will be the first dose of vaccines.”

SESARAM will manage all the logistics of the vaccine and its administration will be nominal. “Everything will be controlled so as not to lose anything. That is the great effort that will have to be made so that everything goes well. It is an extremely serious process,” he warned.

“With safety and quality”, Herberto Jesús also mentioned that there will be “three or four mechanisms to announce the administration of the vaccine”, in Madeira, by telephone message or email, and according to the age group.
