Loures PSD criticizes the PCP congress: “It’s recklessness” | Coronavirus


PSD Loures considers “reckless, reckless and negligent” the decision to hold the XXI National Congress of the PCP on November 27, 28 and 29 in this Lisbon municipality. The congress, which is expected to re-elect Jerónimo de Sousa to the post of communist secretary general, will have half of the delegates, around 600, compared to the 2016 meeting, due to the covid-19 pandemic. However, the reduction in the number of people who will be present in the Peace and Friendship Pavilion does not convince the president of the PSD of Loures, Nelson Batista, who also criticizes the mayor of Loures, the communist Bernardino Soares.

In the statement released this Saturday, the Social Democrats highlight the “increasing number of infections and deaths” caused by covid-19 “at a time when the shortage of health professionals is evident and puts the National Health Service in a been even weaker ”. Nelson Batista points out that Loures’ choice to hold the congress is irresponsible, since “this is one of the municipalities that is currently on the list of the 121 most problematic and affected by curfews.” The truth is that the municipality remains on the list of municipalities with more restrictive regulations as of the date of the communist congress. although the prime minister has already indicated with probablethat the state of emergency be renewed on November 23 (decision that will depend on the approval of the deputies of the Assembly of the Republic).

However, the Social Democrats declare themselves “astonished” and “incredulous.” In the letter, the president of the PSD of Loures condemns “strongly this congress ”and affirms“ a deep feeling of disgust and the need to performance sign your complaint and signaling ”.

The PSD criticizes the “authorization” granted by the Mayor of Loures to the event, erroneously stating that “the state of emergency in force since November 4 does not include political events ”. “For this reason, we understand, also taking into account the information and opinions of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) and the World Health Organization (WHO), that the holding of this event represents, unfortunately, a profound lack of respect and contempt for the Louren and, on a large scale, towards all Portuguese ”, reads the document released.

However, Law No. 44/86 (which regulates the current state of exception regime) establishes that “the meetings of statutory bodies of political parties, unions and professional associations shall in no case be prohibited, dissolved or subject to prior authorization.” so the PCP congress, like others, is not subject to any authorization and, by law, cannot be prohibited. In addition, the Government decree also exempts from restrictions on movement “heads of sovereign bodies, leaders of the social partners and political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic.”

On Friday, in an interview with Observer, the general secretary of the PCP had recalled that under the terms of the law and the Constitution, the meetings of the statutory bodies of the parties cannot be prohibited and that forcing the PCP to change the date or place of the congress would be equivalent to prohibiting it, which it would be “an unacceptable proposal.”

Jerónimo de Sousa also pointed out that in addition to reducing the number of delegates, the PCP decided not to have national or foreign guests and guaranteed that it will ensure compliance with all the rules and recommendations that the General Health Directorate drew up on the event.

This Saturday, the President of the Republic also declared that it was “desirable” that the communist congress be held according to the rules of the state of emergency.
