Lobo Xavier has clients ″ victims of persecution ″ by Freemasonry


State counsel and lawyer António Lobo Xavier said he had received complaints from clients who claim to be victims of extortion and persecution by an alleged Masonic network that, in his case, has politicians and magistrates.

“I have never seen it nor do I know what form it takes, but I have clients who tell me that they are victims of extortion for having been threatened, doing it by handing over money and amounts and assuming behaviors, otherwise they are persecuted by a Masonic network that goes from politics even the judiciary ”, Lobo Xavier denounced in this week’s Circulatura do Quadrado program.

The State Councilor stressed, however, not knowing if this corresponds to the truth, but expressed distrust: “I do not know if it is true. I have suspicions, I read books on Freemasonry, I know the history of Freemasonry. There will be freemasons there will be. The problem is that I don’t know who they are, nor do they declare themselves, except for one or two figures in Portugal who assume this publicly, ”he said.

The Grand Master of the Lusitanian Grand Orient has already denied that the organization has this type of approach. “Not far, not even close. I do not know in the history books that exist, nor in the books of Freemasonry. There is no history related in this sense. They were always freedom fighters, see, for example, our first Republic” said Fernando Lima, considering the comment “very unhappy.”

Lobo Xavier’s statements arise from the legislative proposal of the PSD and the PAN to force politicians to declare whether they belong to associations such as Freemasonry and Opus Dei.

The State Councilor considers that it is “a violation of the right of worship” to force politicians to declare their membership in Opus Dei, since it is “an institution of the Catholic Church that is recognized in the canonical code as a legal entity in Portuguese “. Indicate “about which” there is no secret.

“The regional vicar of Opus Dei was my colleague from high school and university. I always knew what it was, I attended the Opus Dei environment, I know the schools, the training facilities. I never saw them hide what they were, not even someone with me ever tried to influence me, “he said.
