Lisbon City Hall. The Councilor for Civil Protection resigns after vaccination with leftovers from homes – O Jornal Económico


Councilor Carlos Manuel Castro presented his request to resign today, the Lisbon City Council announced today. The request has already been accepted by Mayor Fernando Medina.

The case was revealed by the magazine of Saturday February 11, informing that Carlos Manuel Castro, the director of the Department of Urban Hygiene, Filipa Penedos, and various elements of the Municipal Police and the Fire Department were vaccinated with the remaining vaccines. they were destined for the houses of Lisbon.

The autarky says that all elements related to the participation of Civil Protection in the household vaccination process for external and independent evaluation of the same will be sent to the “competent authorities.”

Fernando Medina also reiterates his “confidence in the Commander of the Firefighters Regiment, in the Commander of the Municipal Police and in the Municipal Director of Urban Hygiene, whose vaccination was carried out by determination of a hierarchical superior and in the conviction of compliance with all the rules”. “.

The municipality informed the Public newspaper on February 11 that both Carlos Manuel Castro and Filipa Penedos were vaccinated because they were on the “front line” of the vaccination operation, but the councilman ended up leaving.

The role of Civil Protection is now assumed by Councilor Miguel Gaspar.

From the first vaccine intake, 126 doses remained, which were destined for several members of the teams involved in the vaccination operation at homes, 15 nurses and eight members of the municipal Civil Protection (among them Carlos Manuel Castro) and three members of the Department. of Urban Hygiene (including Filipa Penedos), with the justification given for the latter to be involved in the “process of collecting the syringes used in vaccination,” according to Public.

Since the Covid-19 vaccination process began at the end of December, several controversies with undue excesses have emerged.

The General Inspection of Sanitary Activities (IGAS) announced on January 29 that it would begin to monitor compliance with vaccination regulations. The objective is to verify that the priority vaccination is being carried out, and also to verify how the excess doses are being managed and if measures are being taken to avoid waste.

Several of these cases of improper vaccination have already been made public, as is the case of the mayor of Reguengos de Monsaraz, José Calixto (PS), who was vaccinated without having the right to any priority.

The mayor told Expresso that, as a municipal civil protection authority, he has greater responsibilities, and that he has responsibility in a home with more than 70 elderly people, the same home where an outbreak caused the death of 18 people during the summer of 2020..

At the end of January, the SIC said that at least 126 Social Security employees in Setúbal, including officials, were vaccinated against Covid-19. These workers were included in a priority list in which only domestic users and professionals from these institutions should be included. The Setubal district director of the ISS Center, Natividade Coelho, was also vaccinated.

Also in the National Institute of Medical Emergencies (INEM) there was a controversy with vaccines. The National Association of Emergencies and Civil Protection (APROSOC) denounced the vaccination of non-priority professionals in the INEM, but the institute made it public to clarify that the doses administered to non-priority professionals were doses that were left over because there were priority professionals who did not want to be vaccinated . These doses “could not be assigned to other entities and whose alternative would be to disable them,” according to the INEM.

Vaccine for COVID-19. IGAS continues with inspection after several disputes with undue priority overruns
