Lisbon and the Tagus Valley is the region with the highest risk of coronavirus transmission – Society


The region of Lisbon and the Tagus Valley is the one with the highest risk of transmissibility (RT) in the country, but “with a decreasing trend,” said the Director-General of Health, Graça Freitas, on Monday.

“In fact, there are slight asymmetries. Right now, the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region is one that has a slightly higher RT than the others, but with a decreasing trend,” said Graça Freitas at the daily press conference. about developments. of the covid-19 pandemic in Portugal

The General Director of Health explained that the RT “is calculated very frequently and always refers to the data available from the previous five days and, therefore, there are always adjustments as the bulletins are published and updated.”

The latest bulletin indicates that RT is decreasing in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, as well as in other regions of the country, he noted.

At the press conference, the Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales, said that it was “too early” to evaluate the first week of lack of definition, but he believes it will be positive.

“With due serenity and with due tranquility, the moment of these balances will surely come,” but, he said, “once again we feel that there is a social conscience, a great civic conscience and, therefore, obviously also as a result of That fact we are also waiting for this balance to become a positive balance, “said the government official.

When asked about the capacity of the National Health Service, he said that “as has been demonstrated,” he has been able to respond to needs.

“We maintain a level of expansion capacity that also allows us to look to the future with confidence regarding this capacity so that the National Health Service can respond, both in terms of greedy assistance and now also in the reprogramming of non-greedy assistance”, he stated, also as in the intensive care numbers.

António Lacerda Sales affirmed that “everything points to the fact that the National Health Service can also, in the near future, respond satisfactorily, in fact, as has happened, to what the needs are at the moment.”

Portugal represents 1,144 deaths associated with covid-19 in 27,679 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest daily bulletin from the General Directorate of Health (DGS) on the pandemic.

In relation to the previous day, there are nine more deaths (+ 0.8%) and 98 more cases of infection (+ 0.4%)

Of the infected people, 805 are hospitalized, of which 112 are in intensive care units, and the number of cases recovered is 2,549

Portugal entered a calamity situation on May 3 due to the pandemic, after three consecutive periods of emergency since March 19.

This new phase of fighting against covid-19 provides for mandatory confinement for sick people and under active surveillance, the general duty of home collection and the mandatory use of masks or visors on public transport, public assistance services, schools and commercial establishments.

More information about coronavirus HERE.

MAP of the situation in Portugal and in the world.

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