Limitation of movement between municipalities: what changes at midnight and the exceptions


Circulation outside the municipality of residence will be limited between 00:00 on Friday and 06:00 on November 3, except for some exceptions.

The movement of people outside the municipality of residence will be limited in Portugal from 00:00 on Friday to 06:00 on Tuesday, within the framework of measures to contain the covid-19 pandemic.

The measure promulgated by the Government will take effect in a period that includes All Saints ‘Day, Sunday, November 1, and All Souls’ Day, the following day, when many Portuguese go to cemeteries.

The restrictions come at a time when the number of cases of infection by the coronavirus responsible for the covid-19 disease in Portugal has increased.

According to the epidemiological bulletin published today, Portugal registered 4,224 new infections in 24 hours, a new record and 33 more deaths.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has counted 2,428 deaths in 132,616 cases of infection.

The resolution of the Council of Ministers that determines that citizens cannot move outside the county of habitual residence has several exceptions, such as travel for work reasons.

For this purpose, people must be accompanied by a justifying statement from the employer or make a statement, under honor, if the movement occurs between municipalities adjacent to the habitual residence or in the same Metropolitan Area.

Health professionals, teaching and non-teaching staff in schools, civil protection officers, and members of the security forces, security services, and the armed forces are exempt from these conditions.

This exemption also applies to holders of political offices, magistrates and directors of the social partners and political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic and accredited ministers of worship.

Circulation restrictions do not apply equally in the case of trips by minors and companions to schools, nurseries and leisure activities, as well as trips by university students.

Nor do they apply to the travel of users and their companions to work centers and day centers, and to the frequency of training and conducting tests and examinations, as well as inspections.

The restriction does not yet apply to travel to participate in procedural acts in court or in acts of the competence of notaries, lawyers, attorneys, conservators and registry officials, as well as for assistance in public services, provided they have proof of their appointment. .

The departure from the continental national territory and the movement of non-resident citizens to places of proven permanence are authorized.

It is also allowed to travel to live shows, such as theater or concerts, with the exception of the cinema.

To ensure compliance with the measures, the Public Security Police (PSP) and the Republican National Guard (GNR) will carry out patrol, awareness and inspection operations throughout the country starting Friday.

According to the two security forces, the operations fundamentally have an aspect of awareness and pedagogy, but elements of the PSP and GNR will not hesitate to “impose the law” if necessary, and some situations may constitute crimes, such as false statements. or lack of respect for the police.

PSP and GNR also said they will be aware of other rules in place to contain the covid-19 pandemic, such as wearing a mask on the street and in public transport, drinking alcohol on public roads and gathering people, which are limited. for five people, as well as the hours and capacity of the commercial and restaurant establishments.

Continental Portugal is in a situation of calamity and the Government will meet in an extraordinary Council of Ministers, on Saturday, to analyze new restrictive measures due to the increase in the number of covid-19 cases.

In Madeira, the situation of calamity lasted until November 30, while in the Azores this level is valid until at least November 6 in the five islands with air connection abroad (Santa María, São Miguel, Terceira, Pico and Faial). The four remaining islands (Flores, Corvo, Graciosa and São Jorge) remain on alert.
