Limit of 4 people per group in restaurants and cafes near schools


HE The Ministerial Council approved today a set of measures that will be applied as of 15 September, the day in which continental Portugal will enter a contingency situation to face the pandemic of COVID-19-19.

Notscope of the face-to-face reincorporation measures to school, which will take place between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. September, the Government decided that there will be a “readjustment of the operation of schools to the new health reality” and that all educational establishments will have contingency plans.

The distribution of protection individual and a reference from interim in case of a suspected case, positive case or outbreaks are other measures for schools.

At the press conference, which took place after the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister asked that meetings of people near educational establishments be avoided, recognizing that the “great factor The contagion does not develop at school but on the way from home to school “or vice versa.

“If at school it is necessary to be very careful to maintain physical distance, use a mask, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, these rules should also be followed outside educational establishments,” he said, highlighting that a specific standard was created for cafeterias , restaurants and pastry shops 300 meters from schools.

António Costa also appealed to the “responsibility of each one” so that there is a year academic “As quiet and safe as possible” and stressed that “private care” should take place “inside and outside the school.”

The Prime Minister stressed that a “great effort” is being made so that the year academic it can work and be “as far as possible only classroom teaching.”

Remembering that Address-General de Salud has already defined and disseminated to schools the guidelines and contingency measures for adopt if there is a student, teacher or employee infected or an outbreak, the head of government argued that objective is “always search detect as quickly as possible. “

“If you can just be an excellent person, if you have to be those people and with whom you had the closest contact, it is the second best chance, if it has to be a class it is the third best chance and the last chance is the closing of the school, still temporarily “, he stressed,

António Costa also stressed that these measures require “an enormous effort” on the part of addresses schools and “are absolutely essential”, which are then combined with “strengthening tests“.

A pandemic of COVID-19-19 has already caused more than 904 thousand deaths and almost 28 million cases of infection in 196 countries and territories, according to a report prepared by the French agency AFP.

In Portugal, 1,852 people died out of 62,126 cases of infection confirmed, according to the most recent Address-General health.

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