Liberal Initiative asks Marcelo for urgent hearing on contingency situation – Observer


This Friday, the Liberal Initiative requested an urgent audience with the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, to discuss the legality of the announcement of the contingency situation as of September 15, one of the several “arbitrary decisions” of the Government.

In a statement sent to the Lusa agency, the party represented in parliament by Deputy João Cotrim Figueiredo did not agree with the announcement made this Thursday by the Government that the contingency situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic will be decreed from of September 15, referring to the fact that “no objective scientific criteria have been communicated to support such a decision.”

“The Liberal Initiative requested a hearing from the president [Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa] discuss the justification and legality of the announcement of the Contingency Situation announced by the Government, criticizing the state of roller coaster of arbitrary decisions taken by the Government, ”the same text says.

Liberals justify this request for an “urgent hearing” to the head of state with the “lack of communication between the government and the parties, the violation of individual rights without even presenting scientific data and the arbitrary change of ‘states’ as appropriate, allows divert media attention. “

“The President is responsible for ensuring the regular functioning of the institutions and enforcing the Constitution, always protecting the rights of citizens. Unfortunately, we have observed a passive and submissive attitude on the part of the President in relation to the various arbitrary decisions of the Government ”, he condemns.

From the perspective of the Liberal Initiative, “any restrictive framework of freedoms” can only occur in “absolutely exceptional situations”, considering that “a situation of preventive contingency”, decreed almost three weeks before “and without taking into account the concrete evolution of the epidemic in different regions of the country ”does not meet these criteria.

“What this decision of the Government does is to announce that it will abolish freedoms without having communicated to the Portuguese or to the parties any new information that demonstrates the greater possibility of contagion that justifies this increase in restrictions on the rights and freedoms of people in the whole country, “he refers.

For the party led by João Cotrim Figueiredo, what he is seeing is “politicians playing with fear of citizens and making decisions that clearly violate freedoms only to change the media agenda that clearly harmed the Government.”

The Government said on Thursday that it did not have data indicating the deterioration of the country’s epidemiological situation due to Covid-19, justifying the definition of new rules as of September 15 with the “significant change in routines” that will occur.

“We are not sure, in the data we have at this time, that we are facing a deteriorating situation,” said the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, at the press conference held at the end of the Council of Ministers.

Noting that the decision taken today by the Government to place continental Portugal in a contingency situation as of September 15 (until that date, most of the continent will remain on alert and only the Lisbon Metropolitan Area will remain in a contingency) “no It is for Because of the data “that now exists, Mariana Vieira da Silva insisted that” it is too early “to conclude that there is a growing trend of new cases of Covid-19 infection.
