Legislative polls: alliance with Chega would not be enough for PSD to surpass PS, Block in autumn


Even going out for an alliance with Chega, Rui Rio could not surpass the PS. According to the latest Intercampus for “Correio da Manhã” and “Jornal de Negócios”, Chega and PSD do not exceed 37.1% of the voting intentions.

The party led by Rui Rio obtained 24.2% of the voting intentions in this poll and would have to bring together all the parties on the right to overcome the Socialists. As happened in the Azores, adding PSD, Chega, CDS and the Liberal Initiative, it would be possible to reach 38.9% and surpass the PS, which has 37.1% of voting intentions.

To maintain leadership, the Socialists would only need to seek the support of one of the former partners of the contraption. If the elections were today, PS, PCP and Bloco together would obtain 49.7% of the votes.

The Esquerda Bloc is the party that has fallen the most in terms of voting intentions and now stands at 7.7%, a percentage that places the Bloc just above André Ventura’s party, which has 7.3%. This decline occurs at a time when the blockers voted against the budget proposal made by the Government, in general.
