Learn about the resolutions of the Government of Madeira on new measures to combat Covid – DNOTICIAS.PT


The regional executive has just announced the measures it adopted today in the Governing Council, in the context of the fight against the covid-19 pandemic.

Know, in its entirety, the text of the Government statement.

1 – Determine that what is established in number 1 of the Governing Council Resolution No. 1032/2020, published in JORAM, Series I, No. 224, supplement 3, of November 26, 2020, except for passengers who are provided with a medical document proving that the carrier is recovering from the COVID-19 disease upon disembarking in the territory of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, issued in the last 90 days, or a document proving that the carrier has been vaccinated against COVID-19 , according to the recommended plan and respected the immune system activation period provided in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC).

2 – Establish that while the suspension of maritime connections between the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo continues, the following is determined:

a) Passengers who disembark at Porto Santo airport, who do not have a PCR test to verify SARS-CoV-2 with a negative result, carried out within a maximum period of 72 hours before departure, must carry out, with the collection of biological samples upon arrival, PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 infection, to be promoted by the health authority, and must remain in isolation, at the respective address or at the hotel establishment where you stay, until it is obtained the negative result of said test;

b) Porto Santo residents who travel to Funchal for less than 5 days, undergo a test 5 days after their return, ensuring their prophylactic isolation;

c) Porto Santo residents who travel to Funchal for more than 5 days, must present a negative test carried out in the last 72 hours, and repeat it between the 5th and 7th after the date of the last test. , ensuring their prophylactic isolation;

d) Non-residents who enter Porto Santo, and stay up to 7 days, must only present a negative test carried out in the last 72 hours at the entrance;

e) Non-residents who enter Porto Santo and stay more than 7 days, must present a negative test carried out in the last 72 hours, and repeat it between 5 and 7 days after the date of the last test;

f) Emigrants, migrants, students returning from vacation, all those who are going to live with residents in Porto Santo, must present a negative test carried out in the last 72 hours at the entrance, and repeat it between 5 and 7 days later. the date of the last test, ensuring its prophylactic isolation.

3 – Determine that the beginning of face-to-face teaching activity in the municipalities of Funchal, Câmara de Lobos, Ribeira Brava and Porto Santo will be progressive, reopening public and private educational / teaching establishments as the tests of teaching and non-teaching personnel are carried out . It is being carried out, in order to allow the health authorities to make a concentrated diagnosis of the situation, and its reopening is scheduled until January 11, 2021, and the remaining public and private education / teaching establishments located outside of those municipalities on January 4, 2021. January 2021.

4 – Stipulate that extracurricular activities in the municipalities of Funchal, Câmara de Lobos, Ribeira Brava and Porto Santo will be suspended until January 10, 2021, therefore all activities that take place in these municipalities will be suspended, regardless of origin of the practitioners.

5- Determine the suspension of all sports activities in clubs and sports infrastructures in the municipalities of Porto Santo, Ribeira Brava, Câmara de Lobos and Funchal, with the exception of senior teams in collective modalities that participate in regular national competitions.

6- Determine that until the reopening of the respective school, a parent / guardian per household, who has to stay home due to the need to accompany their student (under 12 years old), for this reason Those attending educational establishments and Teachers from the municipalities of Funchal, Ribeira Brava, Câmara de Lobos and Porto Santo, will see their absence from work justified.

7- To stipulate that the Regional Public Administration will reduce to a minimum, as of January 4, 2021, the face-to-face work of its employees, opting, as far as possible, for teleworking, until January 15, 2021.

8- It stipulates that home visits will be suspended until January 15, 2021, and the Provincial Council will proceed with the tests and vaccinations of its professionals and users and will continue to limit, as far as possible, the mobility of professionals between establishments.

9- Determine that from 00:00 hours on January 5, 2021, while the state of emergency is in force or there are high-risk municipalities, traffic on public roads in the Autonomous Region of Madeira is prohibited between 23 : 00 and 5 am, with the following exceptions:

a) professional travel, accredited by declaration;

b) health professionals and other workers of health and social support institutions;

c) civil protection agents, military personnel, inspectors from the Regional Authority for Economic Activities (ARAE) and security forces;

d) ministers of worship;

e) personnel of diplomatic and consular missions;

f) traveling for health reasons;

g) emergency reception for victims of domestic violence or human trafficking;

h) assistance to vulnerable or disabled people;

i) fulfillment of parental responsibilities;

j) urgent medical-veterinary assistance;

k) exercise of freedom of the press;

l) short walks and walks with pets;

m) return home within the scope of allowed trips;

n) travel to the airport for passenger embarkation and disembarkation;

o) travel by public transport, taxis and TVDE, within the scope of the exceptions allowed in this paragraph;

p) other causes of force majeure, provided it is shown that they cannot be postponed or justified.

10 – Determine, in reinforcement of the measures contained in Resolution No. 839/2020, of November 5, the limitations of meetings, family events and other events, in the following terms:

a) Limitation to 5 people in access, circulation or stay on public roads and in other commercial and restaurant spaces, except if they belong to the same household;

b) limitation to 5 people per group, except belonging to the same household, in restoration areas of shopping centers and restaurants, cafeterias and pastry shops 300m from schools;

c) Celebrations and other events involving an agglomeration of more than 5 people are prohibited, unless they belong to the same household, including cultural shows or events of any nature, with the exception of religious ceremonies, as long as the established capacity limit is met. in paragraph 10 of Resolution No. 839/2020, of November 5.

11 – Determine that the bars and restaurants will have limited opening hours until 10:30 p.m., which includes the activity of to carry out, catering activity in large surfaces and even in hotel establishments.

12 – The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply to gambling establishments, casinos, bingo or similar.

13 – The guidelines for non-professional sports activity contained in the Resolutions of the Regional Government Council prior to this Resolution remain in force until January 18, 2021.

14 – Determine that all persons are obliged to comply with the guidelines issued by the competent health authorities and to comply with and cooperate with the measures provided for in this Resolution.

15 – Disobedience to a legitimate order or order issued by the health authority established within the scope of this Resolution incurs in the respective offenders in the practice of the crime of disobedience foreseen and sanctioned in the terms of article 348 of the Penal Code, in the terms of article 16 of Decree-Law No. 82/2009, of April 2, modified and reissued by Decree-Law No. 135/2013, of October 4, and Article 11 by virtue of No. 4 of article 6 of Law No. 27/2006, of July 3, modified and reissued by Law No. 80/2015, of August 3, which approves the Basic Law on Civil Protection.

16 – The execution of the provisions of this Resolution is coordinated and monitored by the competent Health and Civil Protection Authorities, which are now empowered to request the collaboration of the security forces, as well as the use of human and material resources of the regional public administration.

17 – The measures established in this Resolution and their consequences are of an exceptional nature and are subject to constant evaluation by the competent authorities, and may be subject to review if the circumstances that determined them change.

18 – The measure established in number 2 of this Resolution enters into force as of January 6, 2021 and ends with the resumption of maritime connections between the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo.

19 – This Resolution becomes effective as of 12:00 am on January 4, 2021 and is effective until 11:59 pm on January 15, 2021, with the exception of number 13, which is in force until
at 11:59 pm on January 17.
