(Leak) iPhone 12 will put Android world working after loss


When the iPhone X was revealed in 2017, we had an undeniable wave of knockoffs in the Android world, to first try to copy the ‘notch’, and then try to present reduced margins, especially at the bottom where Apple doubles the provided AMOLED screen by Samsung, to remove the famous ‘chin’ that remains a nightmare for other rival manufacturers.

The thing is, even though the “notch” was the most copied element in the design of the iPhone X, the truth is that the brightest feature of the smartphone was the folded screen at the bottom! Something that the Android world has had some difficulties to ‘copy’, and that apparently will eat again with the launch of the iPhone 12.

(Leak) iPhone 12 will put Android world working after loss

So, as you know, “notch” was not a novelty presented by Apple.

We had Android with this design philosophy before the launch of the iPhone X in 2017. That said, Apple has just adopted “notch” as a commitment to make room for its famous 3D recognition system. However, he made no further compromises on the other three margins, bringing an “infinite” screen to these margins, even patenting a “fold” of this same screen.

Folded flexible OLED display on the bottom of iPhone

Everything said, according to the famous ‘filter’ Ice_Universe, it seems that Apple will even launch a redesign with its new iPhone 12, where it will further reduce the margins, without resorting to any curvature on the screen, at the same time that it will also reduce the size of the famous notch.

Interestingly, Huawei has also tried to find a solution to this problem! By bringing the P40 Pro to the table, a smartphone that curves the screen at all 4 edges to minimize edges.

Also, what do you think of all this? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. In the meantime, make Leak a favorite on Google News, never to miss any news from us.

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