LA BOLA – «The opinion of the DGS has things that have neither head nor feet» (Marítimo)


José Gomes, coach of Marítimo, joined the various critical voices with the opinion of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) with indications for the return of football, especially the responsibility of each individual for the contagion.

«In a fast interpretation reading, there are things that, in good Portuguese, have neither feet nor head. We are all going to wait, because if all sports agents must sign what is written, they can even mortgage the resumption of football, “he said, in a debate promoted on the club’s social networks.

The possibility that the Madeirans will have to head to the mainland to play the remaining games is also on the table. “It would be better for all the teams to play in their own stadium. There would be no speculation in the air to talk about anyone’s benefits. All the stadiums in the League can promote these safety and hygiene problems, ”he guaranteed.

Finally, and when it comes to the decisions made in the Portuguese Championship and in League 2, he speaks of a double criterion. “We have doubts about what would be done to the league, given what happened in the Second League, CNS [Campeonato de Portugal] and district championships. For Portuguese soccer, we had different measurements and weights, different ways of evaluating and judging and that we cannot understand. There are decisions that are made in the secretariat and others in the field. There are teams that go up and others that cannot go up and we don’t know why, ”he shot.
