Know the exceptions to the prohibition of circulation between municipalities during the weekend



The document was published in Diário da República.

On the night of this Monday, the diploma that determines the limitation of circulation between the different municipalities of the continental territory between 00:00 hours on October 30 and 06:00 hours on November 3 was published in the Diário da República.

The document establishes that citizens cannot move outside the municipality of habitual residence in this period of time, “except for health reasons or other reasons of imperative urgency.” The restriction does not apply, however, to health professionals and other workers in health and social care institutions, as well as to teaching and non-teaching staff in schools, as well as to other functions of the State such as protection civilian or armed forces. of security.

Among the various exceptions to the prohibition, the trips “to attend cultural shows, if the trip takes place between neighboring municipalities to the habitual residence or in the same Metropolitan Area, and provided they have the respective ticket” stand out.

Students who have to travel to school or university are also free to travel between municipalities, as are children and companions who need to travel to “nurseries and leisure activities”.

Also allowed are “travel of users and their companions to Work Activity Centers and Day Centers” and “travel to the frequency of training and conducting tests and examinations, as well as inspections.”

Any person who works outside the municipality of residence must declare, under a commitment of honor, if the displacement occurs “between neighboring municipalities with the one of habitual residence or in the same Metropolitan Area.” According to the document, if the trip is “not limited” to these defined areas, the worker must have a “declaration from the employer”.

See the full diploma here.
