Kim Jong-un reappears in public after 20 days and ends with rumors


OR North Korean leader terá feito hoje, 1 of maio, to his first appearance in public in 20 days, second relates to agência e notícias sul-coreana Yonhap, which indicates that Kim Jong-A appeared at the inauguration of a fertilizer factory, to assassinate or Dia do Trabalhador.

Mesma Agência believed that Kim Jong-One was “surpreendido” as theories about his death.

A official news agency KCNA da conta da da mesma notícia. Second month, Kim Jong A participant in the opening of a factory. Or North Korean leader “assistiu à cerimónia” and “all the participants will shout ‘urra'” when he appears, he indicated KCNA.

This will be, also, the first time that the leader of North Korea presides over a meeting of the party, not the Central Desk of the Party of Two Workers, in Pyongyang, since last day.

Remember that from or day 12 April that North Korean propaganda does not relate any activity no ground ou post Kim’s pictures Jong-A, that I was also absent from several important events, including the 15th of April, or main national holiday, embora tenham have been reproduced by the North Korean leader’s messages.

Our last days, several Organs of communication will point out that Kim is in a critical condition, but has been allegedly, subject to cardiac surgery, something that the South Korean authorities will designate as “false news”.

Seoul Refuse to disclose to localização atual Kim, despite terem satellite images detected or comboio where it is customary to dislodge the cost of Wonsan, did not show the country, where the anonymous sources of the South Korean government said that Tinham or North Korean leader is found.

O Minister da Reunificação da Coreia do Sul, Kim Yeoncool, indicated that in the absence of the highest authority of the regime, it will be able to aim to avoid the realization of major events not in the country, as part of two efforts to avoid propagation of no novo coronavirus.

Embora Pyongyang has not reported nenhum case do coronavirus Not from its territory, the South Korean authorities will assure that the country is afraid to reinforce its medical and sanitary capacities.

To China, the main ally of North Korea, we remain absolutely silent on the subject of the voice of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but we are limited in saying that we do not have any information to advance.

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