Kamala Harris considers presidential the “biggest failure” of the Trump administration


Klove her Harris spoke in the only debate with the Republican candidate for vice presidency and Current US Vice President Mike Pence, who started Wednesday night in Salt Lake City, Utah.

“The American people have seen the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country.”, he stated.

The new coronavirus was a central theme of the debate, with Kamala Harris a blame Donald Trump and Mike Pence, head of the White House antivirus team, for missing the severity of the disease for a month.

“They knew what was going on and they didn’t tell you”Harris said, addressing the audience as he watched directly for the cameratimes, like the Democratic candidate for the White House, Joe Biden did during the last debate with Donald Trump, before the elections of 3 November.

Harris cited figures from pandemic in the United States, where infected There are 7.5 million people and more than 211 thousand deaths, in addition to 30 million applications for unemployment benefits and the closure of one in five companies.

The candidate also accused the administration of wanting to purchase health insurance for 20 million people, in an attempt to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (known as Obamacare).

In his response, Mike Pence defended the way the White House handled the pandemic and said Trump saved thousands of lives by closing the borders with China, where the outbreak began.

“From day one, President Donald Trump made America’s health a priority,” he said.

The vice president said there will be “tens of millions of doses” of the vaccine against COVID-19-19 ready to distribute “before the end of the year” and that Joe’s plan Biden fight pandemic It “looks like plagiarism” of what the White House has been doing.

Pence also called the Affordable Care Act “a disaster” and said the administration is working on a better plan.

“What Pence says the administration has clearly done is not working.”contradicted Kamala Harris, who insisted on responsibility White House for the economic effects of pandemic He added that “there could not be a more fundamental difference” between the economic plans of the candidates.

“Joe Biden believes that the health and strength of the American economy is measured by the health and strength of the American worker and family “Harris said. “On the other hand, Donald Trump measures the strength of the economy based on the performance of rich people.”

Harris you promise that Biden cancel Trump’s tax cuts and use that money to invest in infrastructure, innovation, clean energy and education, with some levels of higher education free.

Pence seized on this theme and told voters that on the first day, Biden will raise taxes. Harris responded that no one earning less than $ 400,000 a year will experience an increase in the tax burden.

During an hour and a half of debate, moderated by USA Today reporter Susan Page, Pence interrupted Harris a couple of times, leading her to complain that he let her finish speaking. However, the tone of the discussion was much less acute that the debate that opposed Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Me 29 of September.

Susan Page tried to get the candidates to comply with the rules agreed upon before kickoff, but failed to get both of them to respond directly some questions.

On several occasions, Mike Pence used the response time to direct the discussion on other topics, avoiding, for example, answering if he had discussed his age and health status with Donald Trump, since he will be the president’s successor if something incapacitates him. Trump is infected with COVID-19-19.

Kamala Harris also avoided the question of whether she and Biden will attempt to increase the number of Supreme Court seats if Trump-nominated candidate Amy Rabbit Barrett, confirmed before the election.

On the question of the Court, which can reverse the right to abortion, Harris has spoken out in favor of women’s right to choose, and Pence declared that both he and Trump are pro-life.

The discussion also included climate change, police reform over racial tensions generated by the death of George Floyd, and the peaceful handover of power, if Joe Biden be elected.

The upcoming discussions between Biden and Trump are the 15 and 22 of October. Despite the president’s illness, none were acquitted.

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