JP wants Francisco Ramos and the military to resign coordinating vaccination | COVID-19


The Popular Youth (JP) defended this Sunday the dismissal of Francisco Ramos from the coordination of the vaccination plan against covid-19, whom it accuses of putting “Portuguese against Portuguese” and his replacement by the Armed Forces.

“Confronting the Portuguese against each other, at such a difficult time for the country, is not only immoral, but also a fraud. It is unacceptable that impunity continues to prevail, “PC leader Francisco Mota said in a statement, referring to Francisco Ramos’ interview with SIC-Notícias on Saturday night.

Asked about the controversy surrounding some episodes of vaccination of non-priority people in this first phase, as happened in the North delegation of the National Institute of Medical Emergencies (INEM) and in the Social Security of Setúbal, the person in charge of the vaccination process against covid -19 considered it “regrettable”, but said it is not “competence or workgroup looking for someone to cheat ”.

Regarding the possibility that these people take the second dose of the vaccine, Francisco Ramos said yes and rejected any logic of “popular justice.”

“It is not for this structure to impose penalties in this matter. This question explains a little that 11% or 12% in the presidential elections last Sunday, a vengeful spirit that I don’t think is very good for a solidary society like ours, ”he said, referring to André Ventura, the candidate supported by Enough.

The leader of JP and CDS considers it unacceptable that Francisco Ramos is going to “label the Portuguese who are outraged, and there are not some, there are all, with this incompetence” in the vaccination problems “and with the” use that the political leaders made a vaccine to which they were not yet entitled ”.

For this reason, Francisco Mota wants the Government to replace Francisco Ramos with generals of the Armed Forces, who have “logistical and organizational experience”, which even allows “to free health centers and SNS resources”, following the example of other countries Europeans.

On Saturday, Portugal registered 293 deaths related to covid-19 and 12,435 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, thus reaching 5,000 deaths in January alone, according to the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 2,206,873 deaths derived from more than 102 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report prepared by the French agency AFP.

In Portugal, 12,179 people died from 711,081 confirmed cases of infection, according to the most recent DGS bulletin.
