Journalist and writer Artur Portela Filho dies with covid-19


The journalist and writer Artur Portela, known as Artur Portela Filho, died this Tuesday at the age of 83 in Abrantes.

According to a family source, the author was hospitalized in Abrantes with a diagnosis of pneumonia and covid-19 infection.

Journalist, writer, publicist, researcher, trained in history, Artur Portela was born in 1937 into a family of writers and journalists; he inherited his father’s name, but signed with Artur Portela Filho.

He founded and directed the newspaper Novo in the 1970s and later the weekly Opção, went through the writing of various media, such as Diário de Lisboa, A Capital, TSF and RTP.

In the nineties he joined the High Authority for Social Communication, predecessor of the Regulatory Body for Social Communication.

Artur Portela Filho published several volumes of chronicles, always attentive to political and social news, such as “A Feira das Vaidades” and “A funda”, which still faced the Estado Novo regime.

“The Hamurabi code” (1962), “Marçalazar: Romance” (1977), “Three parallel tears” (1987), “The brides of São Bento” (2005) and “The war of the altiplano” (2009) are some of the works of fiction he published.

An admirer of the work of Eça de Queirós, Artur Portela Filho even adapted the play “A Capital” to the theater, published the study “Eça é que é Eça” and signed several chronicles recovering the character of Conde de Abranhos.

Also noteworthy is the biographical interview with the writer José Cardoso Pires, edited by Publicaciones D. Quijote, “Cardoso Pires de Cardoso Pires”.

In a 2018 interview with the newspaper Público, Artur Portela Filho stressed that he was born in 1937, “in the hurricane of the Spanish Civil War.”

When asked about his past life, he replied: “Yes, it was worth it. Without a doubt this country is worth it, I do not have a bad relationship with my country or with my fellow citizens. I have six children and eight grandchildren, most of which are sometimes a comfortable behind, it gives me courage and of course it was worth it ”.
