José Castelo Branco defends Quaresma: a gypsy has robbed me, but has never hurt me


After the war between Ricardo Quaresma and André Ventura, without the player criticizing Chega’s deputy, after presenting a proposal with co-financing measures for the Roma community, several public figures commented on the controversy.

Now, it was the turn of the well-known socialite José Castelo Branco to defend the Portuguese international.
A great athlete, represents Portugal at the highest level! In addition to being a cat. I’m with you gypsies [ciganos]. They are wonderful people. That is set aside, really. “

In its usual style, the socialite continues: “There are some, marginal, others who live on subsidies, but that exists everywhere. It is a general problem in Portugal. People who live on subsidies and do not want to do anything.” Many people have harassed me, robbed me, but never a gypsy … in fact, gypsies treat me very well. I love these people “.In the published post, Castelo Branco spared no criticism of André Ventura.

Already brat aspirants of the 20th century populist dictator, I find it a horror. As long as I live, I don’t admit that a madman discriminates against minorities. You already attacked me, by the way! You have no idea “.

It is recalled that in the past, Castelo Branco had a disagreement with André Ventura, whom he called poorly resolved.

José Castelo Branco shows Betty dancing
