Joe Biden says Donald Trump must accept defeat in election


The president-elect of the United States considered today that the electoral victory, certified by the Electoral College, was of the same dimension as that of Trump in 2016, so the outgoing president has to accept defeat.

Democrat Joe Biden’s speech took place in Wilmington, Delaware, shortly after Electoral College delegates ratified Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election, with 306 important voters out of 538.

The now officially declared president-elect recalled that this was also the number of large voters that Republican Donald Trump had in 2016. At the time, Trump considered the result a “drop.”

For this reason, Biden considered that if 306 large voters corresponded, in 2016, to a clear victory, in 2020 he “respectfully” implies that it must mean the same, so that Trump must end the unfounded accusations of electoral fraud and accept defeat.

The still head of state of the United States of America (USA) has not yet accepted defeat in the presidential elections on November 3. Trump continues to instigate a revolt against alleged election fraud perpetrated by Democrats, however there is no evidence of this and attempts to reverse the election results have failed.

Biden, who throughout his speech cleared his throat and finished, even visibly hoarse, said that Electoral College certification is an “act as old as” American democracy.

“The will of the people prevailed” and democracy, even after being “pushed, tested and threatened”, proved “to be resilient, true and strong.”

The president-elect also recalled that at the beginning of the year, because of the pandemic – which continues to plague the United States (on Monday the country exceeded 300,000 dead) – “many questioned how many Americans would even vote.” Fears associated with the SARS-CoV-2 infection and restrictions implemented in several cities across the country to mitigate the spread of the pandemic have increased fears of record abstention.

Yet “something happened that very few predicted” and Americans “voted in record numbers.” And this “should be celebrated, not attacked,” added Biden.

The finger was ‘pointed’ at Trump’s candidacy, who tried at all costs to reverse the results, fomenting conspiracy theories and spreading disinformation.

“The flame of democracy was lit a long time ago in this country. And now we know that nothing, not even a pandemic or an abuse of power, can extinguish that flame,” the Democrat explained again, once this part of the speech had already it had been released by Biden’s team on Monday night.

Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States of America. The 78-year-old Democrat will also be the oldest head of state to hold the post and in the vice presidency is 56-year-old Kamala Harris, who is also the first female, African-American, and Indian-origin citizen to hold the post. .

The president-elect was also, between January 20, 2009 and January 20, 2017, the 47th vice president of the United States, during the two successive administrations of Democrat Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the country.
