Joe Biden elected president. “This is the time to heal in America”


This is the time to “heal in America”. The mandate given by the Americans said that it will serve to: restore “decency, justice, science and hope.”

The new president then summed up his ideas by stating that it is time to: “To fight the great battles of our time: the battle to control the virus, create prosperity, ensure family health care, achieve racial justice and exclude systematic racism in this country. And the battle to save our planet, control the climate. And the battle to restore decency, defend democracy, and give everyone in this country a fair chance. That’s all they ask of us: a fair chance. “.

The president-elect began by thanking the state of Delaware, his friends and family and fulfilled his greatest wish: “I promise to be a president who will seek to unite, not divide. He does not see red states and blue states, he only sees the United States.”.

On the “battle” he had just won, he said: “They gave us a clear victory. A convincing victory.”

On the main reason that led him to run, he said: “I looked for this position to make America a respected country in the world again, ”says Joe Biden, as he enters a part of the speech that underscores the importance of his family. “Jill is going to be a great first lady“.
Trump ignored

Joe Biden insisted on calls for unity and spoke to those who did not vote for him. Contrary to what is customary in these speeches, Biden did not refer to the candidate who lost the election, at a time when Trump refuses to accept the result of the election and has not yet recognized the victory of the Democrat. “We are going to make the end of the age of demonization in America begin here and now,” Biden asked Trump indirectly.

Biden was convinced of America’s potential by stating: “I believe in America of possibilities. We are the United States of America and there was never anything we couldn’t do when we did it together.”.

The president-elect also recalled his son Beau Biden, who died in 2015, to comfort all who lost family members during the pandemic. Joe Biden announced the creation and appointment of a group of experts to advise him on the pandemic.
American soul

In a speech to the political class he recalled: “I am a proud Democrat, but I will govern as the American president. I will work for those who did not vote for me as well as those who voted for me..

Biden stressed that he will seek Congressional unity between Republicans and Democrats on all matters. “America has always been shaped by turning points, moments in which we choose what we are and what we want to be, ”said Biden, referring to presidents such as Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Obama. We are at another turning point. I’ve been talking about the battle for America’s soul for a long time. We must restore the soul of America“appealed the president-elect.

rethen, addressing Trump supporters, he said: “It’s time to lower the temperature, to listen to each other again“.
Collective work

Biden still thanked “to all who volunteered and worked in the polling stations in the midst of this pandemic”, What does it say, “They deserve special thanks from the entire nation.”.

The new president also referred to the moment of the campaign that ended to underline the union of “Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Progressives, Moderates, Conservatives, Young, Old, Urban, Suburban, Gay, Straight, Transgender, White, Latino, Asian, Native American. Especially in the most difficult moments of this campaign, the African American community rose again for me. You were always there to defend me, and I will always be here to defend you “, he said.

I wanted this campaign to represent and look like America. To everyone who voted for President Trump, I say: I understand the disappointment, I have also lost a few times, but let’s give us a chance. It is time for us to listen to each other again. It is time to leave the harsh rhetoric behind, to lower the temperature. To progress, we must stop treating our opponents as enemies. They are not our enemies, they are Americans“.

The last reference in Joe Biden’s speech was religion.

Let us be the nation that we know we can be, a united nation. As my grandfather used to say when I left his house when I was a kid in Scranton, keep faith, and my grandmother used to say no joey spread it. Spread the faith! God loves you all. May God bless America and protect our church“Biden concluded.

After the speech, songs such as “I Won’t Back Down” by Tom Petty and “A Sky Full of Stars” by Coldplay were heard.

Fireworks lit up the skies over Wilmington.
