Jill Biden. For the first time a first lady will keep her job


“She is an educator. For educators in America, this is a great day for you! You will have one in the White House.” Joe Biden’s statement about women during the first speech after the announcement of the victory in the presidential election already indicated what would be the priorities of the future first lady. What was not yet known is that Jill Biden, 69, plans to continue teaching after her husband takes office, a ceremony scheduled for January 20. That is what Michael LaRosa, spokesman for the future first lady, confirmed this Sunday.

Jill Biden will remain as an English teacher in Northern Virginia, at a university where he has been teaching for a decade. At the same time, she will play the role of first lady. “Focuses on building your team and developing your priorities with an emphasis on education, military and veteran families, and cancer.LaRosa said. Nothing new for Jill, who knew the White House well when her husband was vice president during Barack Obama’s term.

During this period, he also did not interrupt his teaching career and continued teaching, without putting his role in the White House in the background, with an emphasis, of course, on education, promoting the importance of the role of community colleges ”in the development of the American workforce. “

At the time, Jill also helped military and veteran families access education and employment programs, along with First Lady Michelle Obama, and was one of the faces in breast cancer prevention campaigns.

He has been in education for more than three decades.

Before, in 1993, the teacher was already joining forces to fight breast cancer. It was in that year that, after four friends were diagnosed with the disease, she created the Biden Breast Health Initiative. With this non-profit institution, more than 10,000 young women, from high school, learned the “importance of early detection of breast cancer,” reads her biography.

She was also a co-founder of Book Budies, which aims to donate books to children whose families have few financial resources.
