Jerónimo says that PCP negotiates “seriously” and suggests that BE is “weather vane” – Observer


The general secretary of the PCP, Jerónimo de Sousa says that the worsening of the pandemic situation “worries everyone”, but that the measures taken by the government are “clearly excessive” and “incapable of responding to the underlying problem.”

In an interview with the radio program Sob Escuta of Rádio Observador, Jerónimo de Sousa adds that “the excessive nature of the measures regarding more or less limiting-repressive conception it does not respond to the fundamentals “and says that we must discuss problems such as” if there are more beds in hospitals. The communist leader is very critical of the curfew: “What is this measure for?

Regarding the State Budget, Jerónimo de Sousa says that he did not want to “fight before fighting it” and that, therefore, he gave the Government the opportunity to amend itself in the specialty, with general abstention. The general secretary of the PCP says that the pandemic is a serious problem, but “the pandemic has a wide back”, since the country would already have several of the problems. Jerónimo warns that abstention in the final global vote is not guaranteed: “If the answer were null in relation to the proposals [na especialidade] I don’t see any other solution than to demand a budget other than this one ”. At this moment, Jerónimo warns, there are still “much lack of response to the country’s problems“. And he says: “We do not say no because not, or yes because, but we will vote for the evolution of our proposals.”

As for admitting failing to the Budget, Jerónimo de Sousa is clear: “No hypothesis is excluded“. Regarding a possible leading scenario, the PCP leader says that “there is always an option: the twelfths are a resource solution, but a new budget can also be presented.” What the PCP cannot, he explains, “is to sell a cat in a poke to the Portuguese.” Jerónimo does not enter into “precipitation”, but asks that the autonomy of the PCP be respected.

Regarding the fact that the Left Bloc votes against the Budget, the PCP says that it “does not make the value judgment” that caused the Government to “desert the left” and says that the option of the blockers must be respected. Jerónimo de Sousa doesn’t worry about being alone: ​​“We never expect what others say, do or don’t do. Sometimes they say that the government gets along better with the PCP. No, what the Government has to recognize is the frankness and seriousness with which the PCP presents its proposals. And that requires respect from the government. We don’t have a pinwheel position ”. On whether he was referring to BE, the communist leader says that “the Bloc does not need promotion.”

The PCP leader is not afraid that lending a hand to the Government in the budget will be detrimental to the next municipal elections. Jerónimo Sousa admits that there are electoral failures, but a centennial party is not affected by “a setback”. He recalled that, during the Estado Novo, the political police announced on several occasions: “We liquidate the PCP.” And he says that as long as there is a root link between the PCP and the workers, the party will survive and have strength.

As for the PCP Congress, which takes place on November 26, 27 and 28, Jerónimo de Sousa says that he does not intend to cancel the meeting of the party’s highest body, since the party “guarantees that there will be security conditions.” The general secretary of the PCP says it would be a “unacceptable proposalThe Government demands the postponement of the PCP Congress, since this “is not just any activity, they are political rights.” “Do not deviate from constitutional mandates. First of all, it is necessary to comply with the constitution ”, says the general secretary of the PCP. Jerónimo de Sousa says that “only if there was a disgrace in the leadership of the party” would the possibility of postponing the Congress be considered, “which he believes will not happen. The communist leader remembers that in Avante! all security was guaranteed, although days before you remember seeing “seven televisions working at the Festa do Avante”.

Jerónimo de Sousa also says that “Chega and IL are two substitutes for PSD and CDS”, as, as “it happens a bit throughout Europe, in which the so-called traditional parties have eroded and from where the extreme right forces particularly emerge ”. In this process of “rearrangement of forces”, says Jerónimo, “it is enough for the mother’s belly”. “There the Chega deputy says: this is a shame! And then they say, the man speaks well, because that’s a shame. But he says this to hide his agenda. Let’s look at the evolution. In the Azores, things will have to be clarified ”, says the general secretary of the PCP.

Regarding the leadership of the PCP that will leave Congress, the general secretary of the PCP says that there was “a very broad consultation process in relation to all the members of the Central Committee who gave their opinion on the question of the general secretary” and adds that “it was the question of the secretary general in Congress is a problem ”. Jerónimo suggests that he will stay, but says that the decision belongs to the Central Committee in Congress and says: “The party is not a prisoner of a single solution.”

Jerónimo de Sousa says that the election of João Ferreira for various electoral battles, including the presidential ones, “only values” “comrade João Ferreira.” He says that the same thing happened to him, that he participated in several electoral battles. “The important thing is that a man with April’s values ​​will make an invaluable contribution to the recognition of the presidentials themselves,” he adds.

Regarding the choice between Marcelo and André Ventura in the second round, the PCP has always had a fundamental position: “What best serves democracy“.
