Jerónimo de Sousa warns that there are people in Portugal who want to “rehabilitate the fascist regime” – Observer


The PCP general secretary considered that this Saturday, when observing the end of the Second World War, “everyone’s attitude” will be better understood by those who, in Portugal, “intend to rehabilitate the fascist regime” and erase the values ​​of April.

“Looking at the meaning of the date we set today, the attitude of all those who in our country intend to rehabilitate the fascist regime and erase the current and values ​​of the April revolution will be better understood,” says Jerónimo de Sousa in a video broadcast on the networks. the party, with respect to “May 9, 1945, Victory Day”, when World War II ended.

For the communist leader, the 75th anniversary of the “victory over nazifascism” becomes “more important when it becomes necessary to defend the truth about what World War II was and what it represented, to combat attempts to falsify history and to learn from she”. so that such a tragedy never occurs. “

Currently, “in an international situation marked by the structural crisis of capitalism”, in the perspective of Jerónimo de Sousa, “imperialism is launching a violent offensive against the rights of workers, the sovereignty of peoples and the independence of States , seeking to advance further and achieved social and national achievements ”.

At a time of “serious threats”, the Communists call for “the unity of the Democrats in the fight for peace,” and reaffirm that “it is in the hands of the workers and the peoples to achieve a better world.”

In the perspective of the PCP leader, “Nazifascism was the most violent and criminal form of domination generated by capitalism” and responsible for “one of the darkest pages in history”.

But, if we must not forget the origin, class character and atrocious crimes of Nazifascism, commemorating Victory Day is also, and above all, honoring those who heroically fought against it, the millions of men, women and youth who resisted and fought, giving their lives, if necessary, to free the world from Nazi-fascist barbarism, “he praised.

For Jerónimo de Sousa, “the campaigns that aim to diminish, distort and deny the role of the Soviet Union and the Communists in the victory over Nazifascism” can only deserve the greatest rejection.

“The insulting campaigns that equate the oppressor with the resistant, the executioner with his victim are unacceptable. Campaigns of bleach and fascism to rehabilitate, and that under anti-communism, conceal the conceptions and most of the “reactionary and undemocratic, condemned projects.
