Jerónimo de Sousa guarantees that PCP will celebrate the Festa do Avante


The general secretary of the PCP returned this Friday to guarantee that the party “will make the Festa do Avante!” Despite those who “feel” against its implementation, they criticize the PSD leader for “continuing to project his authoritarian and undemocratic tics.”

“Rui Rio [presidente do PSD] Take advantage of the upcoming Festa do Avante date! to continue projecting their own authoritarian and anti-democratic tics of ‘I want, I can and I command’, evidenced in their conceptions and proposal to revise the Constitution of the Republic and subvert the democratic regime ”, he said.

For the general secretary of the PCP, who intervened during a rally that took place this Friday in the Jardim 1º de Maio, in Grândola, in the Setúbal district, “a violent offensive” is being carried out against a party. The conditions of security and tranquility are guaranteed. “

“We will have the Festa do Avante! Because it is assumed, in the exceptional political context that we live, an added value in the affirmation of our democratic life and its success will be a contribution to the struggle of our people, to combat fear, resignation and to give strength to the fight in defense of wages, employment and rights ”, he reinforced.

The communist leader does not understand “that the material authors of the attack on the National Health Service (SNS), its under-financing and privatization, the attacks on users, those who frozen wages, come today to talk about moralism and sanitary measures”, when he knows that “public health services have been practically destroyed.”

“Let’s put the masks on our faces, let’s protect ourselves, but let’s not cover our eyes in relation to the social situation, unemployment, low wages, the ruin of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs,” he continued.

According to Jerónimo de Sousa, “many of the problems that have worsened in these times of epidemic have not found an answer in government policies, that is, the necessary measures to prevent the destruction of the lives of those who lost their jobs and their wages. “.

In this regard, he exemplified “the prohibition of dismissals and the replacement of the bonds of all those laid off or the full payment of wages, as proposed by the PCP and that the Government, but also PSD and CDS and their more reactionary substitutes, have, generally unfeasible. “

In the opinion of the communist leader, these are proposals that “the PS not only did not accept in the Supplementary State Budget, but also rejected many others presented by the PCP, pointing to essential aspects of the response to be given to other problems of workers, farmers and micro and small entrepreneurs “.

“The convergence between PS and PSD in the approval of the Government’s proposal and in the rejection of the vast majority of the proposals presented by the PCP leaves this Budget without the necessary response to the seriousness of the situation,” considered Jerónimo de Sousa , considering that it is not a Budget “to face the serious economic situation in which the country finds itself.”

In his speech, the general secretary of the PCP, who envisioned “a deep economic recession” for the country, said that he was also witnessing the “development of a strategy to reestablish and give a lasting basis to right-wing politics and the PS’s rapprochement. and the PSD “. “.

“The left’s desires for understanding are attractive and insinuating with the PCP, at the same time that they continue and prepare with the PSD for increasing understandings and effective strategic consultations,” added Jerónimo de Sousa.
