Jamila Madeira is one of the five exits of the government – Observer


Five secretaries of state leave the government, giving way to another five. One of the casualties is Jamila Madeira, Undersecretary of State and Health since the beginning of this second Government of António Costa. Leave the Executive when you have not yet completed a year in office and in a delicate period for that ministry that has been in charge of pandemic crisis management since March. António Sales becomes Undersecretary of State for Marta Temido and Diogo Serras Lopes is now Secretary of State for Health. The inauguration will be this Thursday.

António Sales, who has been the most visible face of the Ministry (in addition to Marta Temido) in the management of Covid-19, ascends to a position and becomes a deputy. A significant exchange of chairs in the Ministry of Health – and the reasons have not yet been explained – where a former advisor to António Costa now enters in economic matters. Diogo Serras Lopes He was born in Lisbon in 1975. He graduated in Economics from the Faculty of Economics at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and completed a master’s degree in Political Science at the Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa. Between December 2015 and August 2017, he served as a deputy in the office of the Prime Minister’s Assistant Secretary of State, Mariana Vieira da Silva, and between August 2017 and April 2019 he was an advisor on economic issues in António Costa’s office. Since April 2019, he was vice president of the board of directors of the Central Administration of the Health System, IP.

Another Ministry with changes at a delicate moment is that of Education. In the week the new school year begins, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues sees the Secretary of State for Education leave the Ministry Susana amador, who asked to leave for personal reasons, the Observer found out. Will be replaced by Inês Ramires, 40 years old, Master in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, having been chief of staff of the current Minister of Education in the previous government. Before that, he held various ministerial positions in the governments of José Sócrates (Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Public Administrations).

This change of government had been proposed by the Public newspaper two days ago and began when Jose Apolinário, until now Secretary of State for Fisheries since the beginning of this Government, who wanted to run for the presidency of the Algarve Regional Development and Coordination Commission (indirect elections are in mid-October). Enter your place Teresa Coelho, also graduated in Law, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, and also with a tour of ministerial offices in socialist governments.

The new Secretary of State for Fisheries of the Ministry, headed by Ricardo Serrão Santos, went through that same Secretary of State, between 1996 and 2002, and also through the Secretaries of State for Internal Administration and Civil Protection (2005 to 2008) and also by the Secretary. of State of Rural Development and Forests (2009), always with alternate functions. Most recently, she has been Deputy Director General for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Director of the Office of Internal Audit of Docapesca and he was currently president of the Board of Directors of the same Docapesca.

Like these last two outings Ana Pinho It leaves the Secretary of State for Housing, where it has been since the beginning of the Government, at its request. And it is also the case of Alberto Souto Miranda, Undersecretary of State and Communications which, according to Public, goes to the new Development Bank. Both were part of the team of Minister Pedro Nuno Santos, who now calls his closest to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing.

Ana Pinho is replaced in Housing by Marina Gonçalves, law graduate, currently a deputy (elected by the circle of Viana do Castelo) and vice president of the PS parliamentary bench. She was a deputy and then head of the cabinet of Pedro Nuno Santos during the entire time of contraption, in Parliament.

And to the next room, the Undersecretary of State and Communications Hugo Mendes, another very close member of Pedro Nuno Santos, who is currently his chief of staff. He has a degree in Sociology and a Master’s in Public Policy from the ISCTE-IUL, and passed through the office of María de Lurdes Rodrigues, when she was Minister of Education, as an advisor, and then became Undersecretary of State of the Prime Minister between 2009. and 2011, José Almeida Ribeiro.
