Já posso open to minha loja? And go cut or hair? E à praia? Posso deixar os miúdos na creche? 31 answers about or who moves again – See …


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“Enquanto houver Covid, there is no normal life.” Or Prime Minister decrypts assim os next tempos, also to be announced uma series of reopens. Why? Because “or cliff keep up”, for that reason the economy will start to reopen, yes, with the smallest steps. In general, what is pending or suspended (when there is an active vigilance, by contacting others and with symptoms) is subject to the mandatory confinement. The remaining Portuguese passam to be subject to “Dever civic de recolhimento” Ou as the authorities repeat not last month and more: “Fiquem em casa

The events or councils with more than 10 people are forbidden in the trade and will reopen, more in phases and with defined rules: in the second day of the week, you will only be able to trade at 200 square meters ter any dimension) e is going to be compulsory or wearing a mask, both nesses espaços and us public transport – e quem não to use here tem fine. We will be going to be allowed to be in the presence of family members.

Finally, can you go to the river for more than a hygienic visit or go shopping?
Não. Aliás, deixa mesmo de haver uma diferença entre quem is obliged to or to see a special confinement (the most idosos e pessoas com algumas doenças) e as têm dever geral de reserva (a maioria das pessoas). Quem is in the prophylactic isolate, infected or in the cliff of infeção, he will continue assim and that this violation will continue to commit a crime of disobedience. All of these other people will be obliged to “become civic de recolhimento” years. António Costa explained that this decision was made because in a situation of calamity or Governo we did not fear less powers than in a state of emergency, but also because the other people were being “stigmatized”.

Are you going back to work in the second day, as the schools and creches are open to receive or your filho?
Não. As creches só vão reopen from 18 May, in the beginning. Já os alunos do pre-school só regressarão no primeiro next day next, June 1.

The more you have to sign at home, will you continue to the rest that you have not been in an emergency?
The country can choose to sign the house at the end of the month (instead of placing the filhos na creche) and continue to receive extraordinary support that governed for this situation at the end of May. Hair less than 18 to 31 May, this support is guaranteed.

Or me filho walks no 11º e 12º anos vou ter to buy masks when ele for para a escola?
Não. O Governo will provide masks for some, teachers and auxiliary staff of schools. As classrooms it will be from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to prevent your students from transporting us publicly.

Do I usually use public transport to go to work, how do I get to stay far away always cheios?
Public transport, in particular buses and comboios vão ter a sua lotação reduced to just two terços da capacidade. The bikers terão uma cabine to separate them to protect themselves. It is to be studied or an extension of the service so that the people can circulate more separated, but, as it is certain that it will not be kept at a necessary distance, it will also be compulsory or wearing a mask. As disinfection and hygiene actions will be intensified.

When can I go to a restaurant with my family?
Only as of May 18 and with conditions. Nessa height at the end of two restaurants will pass for metade do que têm attual to guarantee or necessary social distance. The restaurants are reduced in time and must be dated at 11:00 pm. Or the same will be applied to coffees, esplanades and the like.

Sou cabeleireiro when I can open the quanta weights inside my room?
It is located on 200 m2, it can be opened on the second of February, but for example, for example, it can only be that there is a maximum of 10 people. A regra é haver five pesos per 100 m2. It will be more than 200 m2 in size, it will only open on May 8th and the regras de lotação will be the same.

Posso ir ao cabeleireiro sem marcação?
Não. From second-February, May 4, you will be opened, but only by dialing. It will be a compulsory or use of a mask both professional hairs and by two clients. We must still be privileged, whenever possible, you will be discarded.

Do you have a place here on the street, can it open on the second day? How many people can I be in at the same time?
Qualquer loja carries a rua até 200 m2, as lojas de beleza, will be able to open, since it has a small dimension (até 200 m2). It will depend on the size of the loja. A bitola é a mesma: five pesos per 100 m2. It was never donated by a bookshop or an automobile stand that could open or open independently from Tamanho.

Were you ready to read this post or go to the library?
Sim. Já na second-feira as libraries and public archives vão be open. It is going to open two museums earlier.

I have been in teleworking during the pandemic period. Isso going to move in the next few weeks?
Em maio, no. Or governo wanted all the activities in which it is possible to keep or telework, assim continuem. However, in June it will be encouraged to reduce teleworking and promoted to the local workforce for shorter periods. As of june and promoted or partial telecommuting, with out-of-date hours or equipments in espelho.

Vou ter to wear mask to go shopping?
Sim. The use of a mask will be obligatory on going to these commercial and service establishments.

Do you not wear a mask or can you be fined?
Yes, but it is only for use by public transport. Or Governo já is to create a sanctioning regime, which will be in force já na second-feira, with fines that can range from 120 to 350 euros.

So many masks … mais vai haver for everyone? What else did I buy, where could I find?
The foram measures announced just three days after it takes effect – at the end of the sanctioning regime – for this reason this weekend to resolve or issue. The Prime Minister guarantees that there will be an “abundance” of masks for sale on commercial surfaces, including supermarkets. It remains to know a sufficient number to respond to all sorts of requests one time, since he has made fines starting on February 2 for burning public transport, for example. Aliás, António Costa guaranteed that masks in abundance in supermarkets were two criteria for releasing a number of restrictions on the country.

I need to go to finance. Can I direct myself in person at the distribution?
Sim e já from second-feira. More com duas condições: marking by phone or online and using a mask. On May 4, the decentralized balconies will be reopened to serve the public, or that included services such as distributions of finances and conservatories.

Can I go to Loja do Cidadão renovate or cartão do cidadão?
Em maio, no. But it will not be possible to go to the lojas of the city on June 1, which will start normally. Vaiter to wear mask mandatory. More information: be in your letter of identification or expiration document expired in this period of pandemic, or even less valid, less so, by June 30.

Já posso go to consultation that I have marked non-dentist?
It is not urgent, I will wait. O Governo met with the Order of two Dentist Doctors and the General Directorate of Health, but the “technical standards” for reopening the dental clinics with health insurance are not dated, although this decision is in addition.

When are you going to go to Missa?
Not the same fim-de-semana em que regressa o futebol, regressam as religious cerimonies: a 30 e 31 de maio. As communal celebrations will be agreed according to the rules to be defined between the General Directorate of Saúde and the religious confessions.

Will a family member die and not be able to go to the funeral?
No, I can go if it is a family. There must be limits to the presence of families with funeral celebrations. Thus autarchies will define the maximum limits for other presences.

Is he able to go to or gyno?
Ainda no, ginásios vão manter-se locked up.

Can you play ball with your friends from Trabalho?
Em maio ainda não. Or the recommendation of collective sports activities is only foreseen for the third phase, which begins not in June.

E ténis e golfe?
Being individual sports activities, ao ar livre, and in which the player manages to keep a distance relatively to or adversarial activities such as ténis e golfe podem comçar to be praticadas já from 4 de maio. However, as long as we are not individual, the spas cannot be used and are still dated by the pools.

Já sinto miss da emoção do futebol, when will you come back to vibrate like the jogos do meu clube?
He was a fan of the club of the League, in anticipation that not the end of the week of May 30 and 31, he will see the players of his club in the field as I recommend the competition exactly on the day: on the 25th day. But you are going to think about your bifana in a trailer and go with your friends to the ball, not the end of May, and to think of it, nisso: the games will all be dated. O mais provável é que, I tied to the end of the sporting season, which will go to Julho, já não turned to see us followers.

Sou do FC Porto ou do Benfica. Vou be able to go see meu clube ao Jamor na final da Taça de Portugal?
At the end of Taça it will happen, provavely not the end of julho, but it is dated. Nem sequer is guaranteed not to be in the Jamor Stadium, since it is necessary that he or she has the necessary safety standards.

Já esgotei the films that are on Netflix and HBO. When will you be able to go back to see a film or cinema?
It is only from June 1 that the cinemas, theaters and show rooms are going to reopen. The places have to be marked and they will have to be kept at a distance of 1.5 meters, or that means that at the end they will be reduced.

I am going to be short of 30 graus not next long weekend. Can I go to praia apanhar banhos de sol?
Não. Nem not next end-of-week (em that em two two three days still vigora or state of emergency), nem follow us. As a fez our last long weekends, a police vai ter ações de sensitização. It is thrown or car gives garagem, runs or cliff of being nailed by the police and gives meia-volta até house.

But have you ever been able to go to praia dar um mergulho?
Não. Pela analysis feita hair governo ao dia de hoje, nem not started the last days of three phases já planned (as of June 1) as pessoas podem go to praia give um mergulho ou apanhar banhos de sol para a praia. These rules of access to the praias – which are to be discussed with autarchies and captaincies – will only be defined more in front.

E is for surfer?
In this case, from the next second day on you can go to praia, but it will be clearly for the practice of “nautical sports activities”. Activities such as surf, body board, paddle surf, windsurf ou kitesurf He has allowed or “access to the sea”, but he will not be able to remain not areal.

But have you limited access to a praia?
No, nothing definite. Or Governo just raised a restriction of practices of these sports, but did not define limits for or access to the praias, hair that could be crowded with surfers, for example, in some locais.

I already have the courage to go as friends to or Cais de Sódre ou às Galerias de Paris to drink a flake. Posso mark that saída post-confinement já for maio?
Bars and discos are not going to open in May. It is going to continue to be avoided by city councils quer within dated spaces, quer na rua (or typical ‘bottle ’continues to be discouraged).

I am a trade unionist and I want to thank Admiral Reis da Alameda ao Rossio hugged my fellow comrades no 1º de maio. Posso fazê-lo?
You can commemorate or Dia do Trabalhador in Alameda, but not parade in Rua Abaixo. Also in Alameda, where hundreds of people will be, as many as three meters will be separated from each other by five meters of fileiras. There will be, for example, marked places to guarantee that there are no improper approaches.
