“It will not be the last pandemic”; More than 500 thousand cases in Spain


Pthis Monday registered three more deaths and 249 cases of infection for the new coronavirus. The cumulative total of infected in the country it rose to 60,507 and the death rate to 1,843.

The ‘meetings of the Infamous‘they resumed today, in Porto, after almost two months of unemployment. For the first time, the presentations will have an open broadcast.

At the arrival of the meeting, the prime minister said that “we are at a crucial moment” and that the “risk of contagion will increase”, recalling that it is important to listen to the technicians. It is recalled that the country returns to the state of Contingency from the 15 September.

Globally, the United States continues to be the country with the most confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic. A India today it surpassed Brazil, being now the second country with the most infections.

See the evolution maps pandemic in Portugal and in the World.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19 in Portugal and the rest of the world:

18h20 – Europe expects a second wave. Daily Cases of COVID-19-19 are on the rise in many European countries, at a time of returning to face-to-face classes and near the change of season, but governments prefer to channel hopes of a vaccine so as not to return to lockdown. Know the situation here Current in some countries.

18h17 – The Chinese company Sinovac Biotechnology Ltd. said Monday that its candidate vaccine against the new coronavirus appears to be safe for the elderly population, based on preliminary test results, Reuters reports. The immune responses elicited by the vaccine were slightly weaker than in younger adults.

18h14 – University us U.S prevent the outbreak by analyzing students’ feces. In an attempt to limit the spread of COVID-19-19, the University of Arizona opted for an at least original strategy: in addition to randomly testing thousands of students, required Wearing masks and maintaining social distance, when the students began to return to the dormitories, the researchers decided to start analyzing the sewage.

17h58 – Six firefighters infected and ten on guardncia in Guimarães volunteers. The number of firefighters infected with COVID-19-19 in Guimarães Volunteers amount to six and 10 operatives remain on guardncia, the commander of that corporation told Lusa today, where the first positive case was detected on Wednesday.

17h54 – Restaurant in Melides closed. A restaurant in Melides was closed as a precaution on Saturday due to connection to a infection by COVID-19-19 detected in the municipality of Grândola with at least four positive cases, said the municipal health delegate today.

17h40 – Situation epidemic worsened in Portugal since mid- August. The epidemiological situation of COVID-19-19 in Portugal has gotten worse since mid August, experts from AddressGeneral Health (DGS) and the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (BUT), returning from meetings between experts and politicians. Learn about the experts’ analysis here.

17h33 – To update in Spain. According to information released this Monday by the Ministry of Health, there are 26,560 new cases since Friday in Spain. Remember there are no data reports during the weekend.

The number of people infected for the new coronavirus, since the beginning of pandemicIn Spain, it already exceeds 500 thousand cases.

The country has a cumulative total of 29,516 deaths, an increase of 98 compared to Friday.

17h07 – Disproportionate aid can hamper economic recovery. The executive vice-president of the European Commission considered today that the “enormous” differences in the aid that each Member State is able to allocate to support the economy, mitigating the effects of COVID-19-19, can make recovery and convergence difficult.

17h02 – UK imposes quarantine on returnees from seven islands in Greece. Government briticanic removed seven Greek islands from the list of territories whose passengers are exempt from quarantine upon arrival in England, decreed by the increased risk of contracting the COVID-19-19, announced today.

In a statement in parliament, Transport Minister Grant Shapps, said England will introduce “regional travel corridors”, which means the measure may be applied differently to islands and to the mainland of the same country if they have infection divergent.

17h00 – School rules do not answer essential questions. The Union of All Teachers (STOP) considers that the “Reference of Schools – Control of the transmission of COVID-19-19 in a school context “does not answer essential questions to ensure safety when returning to school.

16h53 – To update in Italy. The country reported 12 more deaths and 1,108 new cases. Since the beginning of pandemic in the country, 278,784 tested positive for the new coronavirus, and 35,553 died.

16h25 – To update not UK. This Monday, the country reported 2,948 new cases and three more deaths. Since the beginning of pandemic in the country, 350,100 people tested positive for the new coronavirus, and 41,554 died.

16h04 – “A COVID-19-19 is teaching us many lessons. “ During the information session on Monday about the evolution of the new coronavirus, The directorGeneral of the World Health Organization (who) stated that “the COVID-19-19 is teaching us many lessons “, including that” health is not a luxury item for those who can afford it, it is a necessity and a human right. “

Tedros Adhanom He also stressed that “public health is the basis of social stability” and left a warning: “This will not be the last pandemic. History teaches us that sprouts and pandemics they are a fact of life. But when the next pandemic the world must be prepared, more prepared than this time. “

15h59 – Guinea-Bissau with one more death and 30 new cases in the last week. Guinea-Bissau registered between Tuesday and Sunday another 30 new positive cases for COVID-19-19 and one more fatal victim, bringing the accumulated total to 2,275, according to data released today by the High Commissioner for COVID-19-19.

3:50 p. M. – Portugal has “a complex context ahead”. The meeting with experts, politicians and social partners has already begun and, this time, it was Marta Temido who opened the meeting. After praising the work done by the National Health Service (SNS) during the first six months of pandemic, the Minister of Health has indicated that, today, “Portugal is better prepared to face the next phase”, since there are “more resources, more organization, more experience and more knowledge”.

However, he warned, along with other European countries, Portugal has “a complex context ahead”, taking into account “the return to school, the flu seasonal, the usual increase in mortality in the winter months, especially in the elderly, the need to respond to all other care needs and the financial difficulty of a possible new ‘ emergency shutdown‘”.

15h41 – Three new cases in the Azores. The autonomous community has registered three positive cases of COVID-19-19 on the island of São Miguel, the result of the 929 analyzes carried out in the two reference laboratories in the region, the regional Health Authority reported.

15h37 – Infamous orders recall of surgical masks OrbitPlatform. The National Medicines Authority (Infamous) ordered the immediate recall of the manufacturer’s surgical masks OrbitPlatform for not complying with all legal requirements.

15h26 – The meeting of Infamous. Follow here on direct.

3:16 p. M. – Meeting of Infamous. Upon his arrival at the meeting, which will take place in Porto, António Costa stressed the importance ofncia turn again to the “lessons” of the experts.

“This meeting today is very important because we are at a crucial moment. We are approaching a period when many of the people who were on vacation will return to their homes. Activities normal, in which we will resume exercise letive, so without a doubt we will be at a time that is critical, “he said.

3:10 pm – I’m going out. Thirteen users and seven employees of a home belonging to the Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Ericeira, in Mafra, are infected how COVID-19-19, confirmed today the municipality and the Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo.

Good afternoon. You can follow here all the questions related to the new coronavirus. Remember the previous registration here.

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