It was the trip of a lifetime and it was canceled. How the crew of Barco Sagres handled the pandemic on the high seas and also the return home – News story


Did you agree with the decision or do you see that there would be another possibility?

I think it was absolutely inevitable that the ship would have to return, given the circumstances we were in and still are. As you can see: The ship has already docked in two places and we couldn’t even leave the board. There would probably be places where they wouldn’t even let us dock. The mission no longer made sense, it was completely empty. This is a mission of contact with people. Going to ports where we cannot even leave, nor can anyone enter, would not make any sense. I think it was a relatively simple decision to make. The alternative was … none.

Having made this decision, it was necessary to rethink the itinerary. For the preparation of this trip alone, he designed around 80 route hypotheses. Now, it was necessary to redefine everything in a short time.

This is relatively simple. We knew that we had to continue to Cape Town to refuel the boat. Then it was necessary to make the return as linear as possible, stopping at as few ports as possible to minimize the risk of contagion. We had that technical problem that forced us to stop at Mindelo. If that had not happened, we would have done it directly to Lisbon. In terms of navigation, it is not difficult to do this planning. [muitos cortes na ligação: “Estou? Estou?”]

When you communicated the decision to cancel the trip to the rest of the garrison, were there people who disagreed?

No. This has nothing to agree or disagree with. Everyone understood the context and the circumstances in which the decision was made. There were many people who were sad, that is. Some were sadder than others. Perhaps those who had more expectations, even more desire to make the trip. Now don’t agree … This idea doesn’t even make sense, even because the data was clear.

How do you handle these emotions?

[“Está? Não estou a ouvir…!”, “E agora?”, “Sim…”] The subject of emotions is very simple: I have to be as clear and objective as possible and explain to people why decisions are made so that they understand what is happening. From there, although people are a little sad, like me too, when I realize the logic of the decision, it is to move on.

Are there people on the ship with family members with covid-19?

We had a person who had a relative in Italy. Other than that, what we are aware of, no. [respondsafterasking[answersdepoisdegunguntar[respondedespuésdepreguntar[respondedepoisdeperguntar to the ship’s doctor, who is next to him and with whom we talk next]

“There is the possibility of starting the journey again to do the final part”Commander

In practical terms, what will you do when you arrive?

[“Não ouço… nada…”, “Estou…?”, silêncio longo] We will dock at the naval base and then each of us will go to his house. With the care and the circumstances that we do not know at the moment. So you see it soon (laughs). We still have a week. I still don’t know what’s going to happen. But I am sure it will not be the same as the situation we had when we left on January 5.

What do you think awaits you upon arrival?

[“Está…?  Não… ouço… nada”. “Eu estou a ouvir”] I have no idea. Word of honor I have no idea what the arrival will be or what awaits us. But it will be an obviously strange situation. We have been accompanied by families, but it is not the same as experiencing the situation. We are not quite sure how to live [muito ruído], how people move, etc.

And then? Is the idea to resume the journey?

It is completely in the field of the hypothesis, but There is the possibility of starting the journey again to do the final part. It is being considered, but it depends. At this point, it is impossible to say whether it will happen or not. Nobody knows. [[[[“Are you …? Nothing is heard now … Hello? Can you hear me?”]

On what does this decision depend?

Of a set of variables, the main one is the topic of the pandemic. It makes no sense for the ship to start again with a situation similar to what we have now.

If the journey resumes, would you like to be a part of it as a commander? Available?

Naturally, naturally (laughs). Of course I am available. How can that be? [“Está…? A chamada está péssima agora…”, “Estou…?”, “Sim…?” ]

However, the call got a little better and we spoke to Diogo Alpuim Costa, the ship’s doctor.

How did you hear about covid-19 and how did you hear about the new coronavirus on board?

I just realized ‘covid’ … [retomaram os cortes] Coronavirus is an ancient virus, so I already knew it. We were already following this situation, which was initially contained in China. We were learning a little more on the Internet about the evolution of the virus and the pandemic. When it started to become a real situation in Europe, in America, and in particular in South America, from where we had left, the nurse and I immediately followed the situation.

What steps have they taken?

We activated an internal plan, here inside the ship, regarding the covid-19. We gave an on-board briefing on what the new coronavirus is and the history of covid-19. We made an internal circular, also informative, on this situation. Even a small pocket card where the military knew how to proceed if they had symptoms related to this infection.

“Perhaps at the national level, we can even say that we are the territory with the highest rate of fans / inhabitants”Ship medic

What level of preparation did the ship have for such an unforeseen event?

No one expected this to happen. Now, as it was a very long mission, which lasted more than a year, we had to prepare ourselves for various contexts.

For example?

At the beginning we already had a fan for any situation that developed and that was serious. Therefore, from this point of view, perhaps at the national level, we can even say that we are the territory with the highest rate of fans / inhabitants. It is a luxury: we have a fan for 142 people. Then we even had our own means to reduce the risk of contagion, because we were going to be in places with a high health and medical risk. We were even well prepared.


In the port of Cape Town and then in Mindelo we had to minimize the risk of contagion to any element of the garrison. We had these means: suits, gloves, masks.. The garrison was told what to do, and we were in control of this contact with the outside world.

Was it necessary to adapt the ship to cope with the pandemic?

We create an internal plan. We had a room that was not being used, with capacity for more than ten beds, in case there were suspicious cases. This room has its own ventilation, its own bathroom, telephone. We could set up an isolation room there.

If we had a highly suspicious case, it would be going to a port as quickly as possible so that person can be approached in a hospital. If we saw that the situation was rapidly worsening and that there was no possibility of reaching land in time, it would have to be an evacuation even by helicopter. But this is only in a more drastic situation.

We must not forget that here it is not just about whether the medical situation is more or less serious, it is the risk of contagion from the other elements of the garnish. We are on a 90-meter platform, with closed spaces … The risk of contagion is great.

What kind of articulation was there between the Ground Forces teams and the ship?

We have a Navy circular here daily to inform the garrison of the coronavirus, the numbers, including the numbers within the Armed Forces: suspected cases, confirmed infections. The Navy was very proactive. And we also have this daily internal information about the pandemic and what is happening in Portugal.

“Minor surgery, fracture stabilization was performed here”Ship medic

Although there were no cases of covid-19 on board, there were medical complications of different nature throughout the trip.

Yes. In these four months we have given almost 400 consultations. You can clearly see the type of activity we have here on board. We cannot forget that, given the type of this boat, we have people who climb the masts, who pull the cables, there is always the risk of minor trauma, osteoarticular pathology. And sometimes more complicated situations. But fortunately it was possible to solve them on board. When it was necessary to do some type of complementary examination, such as an x-ray, when we got ashore we did it.

Cut out elements of the Sagres school ship in general sections of the mast. credits: Portuguese Navy

What has been necessary to deal with on board?

Here minor surgery was performed, fracture stabilization. Everything else was more general medicine, primary health care situations: tonsillitis, otitis, gastroentritis. All the “ites”. No appendicitis! Fortunately (laughs) And then there are other situations … We were in warmer environments, others were colder. There are people who may have respiratory infections, gastroentritis, the so-called traveler’s diarrhea. On the trip from Buenos Aires to South Africa we had many elements of the gastroenteritis garnish. It was an uncomplicated situation, but it affected many elements.

How many people are on the ship’s medical team?

A doctor, a nurse and five rescuers: two are cooks and three bakers. They have this additional function. Not forgetting that most of the people here on board have first aid training and a basic life support course. But health professionals, two. [cortes na ligação]

What does this premature return represent in personal terms?

I am in the group of people who were saddened by the return. Expectations were raised. Many of us have given up a lot in order to be here on a mission with this typology. But then you have to face the numbers and the facts. The return to base was the most sensible.

“I came to this ship for this mission. If the mission resumes, of course I am a volunteer.”Ship medic

How is it managed on a personal level?

It’s frustrating, I’m not saying no, but circumnavigating a pandemic made no sense. Only if it was a solitary circumnavigation (laughs), but since we are not on a solitary journey, it is not possible. It was useless to maintain a mission throughout the world, which is the dissemination of our image and contact with entities and with the Portuguese and Portuguese abroad. We weren’t going to have that kind of contact. Such a mission was not enough.

If the journey resumes, the idea is Become part of this again?

Sure! If the Commander wishes, I am a volunteer. The doctor and some other people on board are on duty, that is, they do not belong to the ship with a commission of two or three years. I came on this ship for this mission. If the mission resumes, of course I am a volunteer. If people want it to continue, it is a good sign.

At the time this article was published, the ship’s estimated arrival in Lisbon is May 10, according to the Navy website that indicates the ship’s location in real time. On a 371-day trip, they will arrive 126 days after their departure. If they greeted hundreds of people at the farewell on January 5, when they arrive they will find a large part of the country closed in their homes.
