“It is very difficult to obtain more trains, immediately because we do not have them,” says Pedro Nuno Santos – Observer


Infrastructure Minister Pedro Nuno Santos admitted on Monday “difficulties” in accessing public transport in these first days after the end of the state of emergency, specifically with respect to suburban trains, which generally have more capacity. It will not be easy to reinforce the offer with more trains, since “because we do not have them”.

Speaking to journalists, the minister commented that “in the case of trains, in the case of suburban trains, controlling capacity is more difficult.” “There is a dimension of individual responsibility that we want people to incorporate, to ensure that the train is not crowded, that they do not enter a train that is already very full and that they always wear the mask not only on the train but at the station” he emphasized.

Regarding a possible reinforcement of the supply of trains, Pedro Nuno Santos said the following: “We are monitoring the use of our trains, but on the lines where we already have some problems, it is practically impossible to reinforce the offer because we have the channel in the hours peak – that is, we have difficulty injecting more trains during peak hours. And therefore we will have to deal with this difficulty. ”

Pedro Nuno Santos acknowledges that “people will return to work, they will want to use the train, the offer has returned, we are doing a great job to guarantee the minimum of problems for our trains, eliminations … but these risks exist”.

And then we have the Sintra line and the Cascais line, especially the Sintra line, these are lines that are generally very popular in normal terms, with very high capacity. And it is very difficult to put more trains, not only because we do not have them, this is a well-known difficulty, but because the capacity of the infrastructure cannot receive more trains ”.

The minister added that, on this first day of return, “the hygiene standards we have acquired are more essential than ever” and “the mask is essential to protect ourselves and others.” “It is essential that everyone use it and if they don’t use it we obviously expect fines to be imposed because we all have to be responsible to ourselves and to others,” he said.
