“It is the perfect lie to say that the vaccination plan is being carried out”


THE Renowned surgeon Gentil Martins is one of more than 100 retired physicians available to assist the National Health Service (SNS) in the fight against pandemic gives COVID-19-19, in a letter sent to the Ministry of Health.

Not satisfied with the lack of response, the 90-year-old former health professional accused the government of “incompetence” and of publicity with help from Germany.

“It’s funny. It’s great that the Germans sent this team of doctors, but look at how many patients are in Intensive Care and how many are going to be treated by these doctors. Is that what is really going to solve the problem? I don’t understand how volunteers are not used, but the doctors come from abroad. No more propaganda, end politics and think that everyone, private, public and social, must all be united, working together, that it is not only the State that is in charge.. Be patient, ”he shot, clarifying that retired doctors who voluntarily they are aware that they cannot be on the “front line”, but they can help in less severe cases, COVID-19 and they are falling behind.

Although not yet vaccinated, Gentil Martins reiterates the importance ofncia give priority to the vaccination of health professionals who fight against SARSCoV-2 every day.

Health professionals must be given the highest priority. Let’s take advantage of all the Portuguese doctors that we have, let’s give them working conditions, health, for example, now through vaccination that is not being done as it should“, he stressed, guaranteeing that the vaccination plan is not being carried out as it should.

It is a perfect lie to say that the vaccination plan is being followed. As long as things depend on politics, we won’t go anywhere, the health of the people goes beyond party politics, as long as they play this we are not going anywhere, “he concluded.

Also read: AL MINUTO: Portugal with 196 dead. Lowest value since 18 janeiro

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