“It is much more serious.” Chamber of Nisa questions Covid-19 figures from the report of the local health unit – O Jornal Economico


The municipality of Nisa (Portalegre) today questioned the figures of the daily report presented by the Local Health Unit of the Alentejo North in relation to the covid-19 pandemic in the municipality, warning that the situation “is much more serious.”

In a note published on its page on the social network Facebook, the municipality of Nisa, led by the socialist Idalina Trindade, considers that the epidemiological report of the Local Health Unit of the North of Alentejo (ULSNA) published today “does not correspond” with reality.

“There is full awareness of the reality that unfortunately affects the municipality, which does not correspond to the actual health situation covid that is portrayed in the daily bulletin, as the reality is much more serious,” the note reads.

The ULSNA daily bulletin today points to five active cases in the municipality of Nisa.

The Chamber of Nisa regrets the “intrepidity” of the information, guaranteeing that it is taking measures to “mitigate” the epidemiological situation.

“However, it is the official data reported by the district health entity, lamenting the timeliness of the information transferred,” he reads.

“Aware of the problem that belongs to everyone, the Nisa City Council is already taking and implementing various measures on the ground, in order to mitigate the pandemic situation we are experiencing,” they add.

When contacted by Lusa, ULSNA did not want to react to this situation presented by the municipality of Nisa.

According to the report published this morning by the ULSNA on its website, the district of Portalegre registered 387 active cases, the municipality of Portalegre leading the list, with 183 cases. They are followed by Elvas, with 45 active cases, Ponte de Sor (29), Campo Maior (29), Arronches (25) and Monforte (15).

The municipality of Crato has 15 active cases, Gavião 10, Sousel four, Avis seven, Alter do Chão, Marvão, Nisa and Fronteira five cases each.

The municipality of Castelo de Vide does not present any active case today.

In the same report, the ULSNA indicates that to date 23,535 diagnostic tests have been carried out in the district of Portalegre and that since the beginning of the pandemic there have been two deaths associated with covid-19.

Portugal registered 6,035 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus and 76 deaths associated with the covid-19 disease in the last 24 hours, according to the bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) released today.
