“It is essential to keep the pandemic under control. We cannot play to win”


HE The Government approved, this Thursday, the measures that will come into force “from the 15th [de setembro], taking into account the evolution of pandemic and the foreseeable evolution facing the return of exercise normal and the reopening of the year academic“Said António Costa, at the end of the Council of Ministers.

This decision, he justified, was made based on “the situation that has arisen over time,” that is, because the number of “new cases is below what would be an exponential growth.”

However, the Prime Minister acknowledged that “we have been seeing a steady increase in new cases since the end of lockdown. We have always said that eliminating deconfiguration, that’s likely to happen. ”

Looking specifically at the transmissibility risk indicator, “We have never deviated significantly from 1. However, it is very clear that if we focus on the last few weeks, from the beginning of August, there has been a sustained growth of new cases ”.

And this increase is justified, as already mentioned by the Address-General health, for “family relationships and exercise Social”.

These new cases “are today in a different age group,” said the head of Government, adding that the large concentration infected today it refers to the age group between 20 and 39 years old. This strip of the population, “having no other comorbidities“ends up presenting a” less serious “disease and many of these people are even”asymptomatic“.

The number of Deceased has remained “relatively stable”, as has the rate of Lethality, which is “pretty low”. The number of recovered cases, said the head of the Executive, “has had a frankly favorable evolution.”

“It is absolutely crucial to maintain pandemic reviewed. We cannot give this game to win, because it is not won “, he maintained, stating that “the follow-up of this pandemic requires dynamic reading to enable the essentials: Keep pandemic controlled, enabling the economic and social recovery of the country. ”

Measures a adopt in a state of contingency

From the 15th of September, as the Government had already announced in a preventive manner, the State of Contingency will be extended to the entire country, which until then was only effective in Zone Metropolitan of Lisbon. “Many of the rules will go into effect across the country.”, advanced.

They will be like this the “meetings limited to 10 people nationwide” and the “Commercial establishments should only open after 10 am.”

There are also limitations for the operation of the establishments, but it is reserved for mayors this definition, between 8 pm and 11 pm, depending on the county.

In the field of restoration in areas commercial, “There can be no more than four people per group to avoid large concentrations of people.”

The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in service stations, after 8 pm, as well as in all establishments, unless accompanied by a meal. It is also “extended [a todo o país] the prohibition of the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads ”.

Back to school

Measures that have been defined and require adaptation efforts by educational establishments “they are absolutely essential, combined with strengthening the tests“.

According to the Prime Minister, the distribution of safety equipment is ensured protection and compliance with health standards in schools. In this sense, António Costa also called for students “to be aware that the risk of contagion outside of schools is not less than in school.”

To avoid meetings outside the school space, the Government has defined a Specific measure to be applied in all restaurants, cafes and patisseries that are 300 meters from educational establishments, so that “maximum capacity is respected and groups of more than four people are avoided”.

The situation of households

Considering the outbreaks in nursing homes that have detected, stressed the head of Government that “we have had a reduced universe of infections.” And of the “90 thousand people who are residing in homes, we have 631 cases active“.

Of the 2,500 homes in the country, “we have a very limited number of homes where there are outbreaks, not wanting to devalue the work that has been done in the management” of these institutions. Reinforced thisscope, the Government the protocol for the creation of emergency teams.

Also remains the prohibition of the existence of a public in sports facilities.

Areas Metropolitans subject to mirror equipment and time lag

How Areas Metropolitanas de Lisboa e Porto will have specific measures, starting from the billing between telecommuting and face-to-face work, starting on Tuesday.

“With respect to Areas Metropolitanas de Lisboa e Porto, it is necessary to make a greater effort to avoid the concentration of people, both in public transport and in workplaces“, said António Costa, recalling that the risk of COVID-19-19 is higher in these two areas metropolitan areas, “because they have a higher population density.”

Therefore, they will remain for Areas Metropolitanas de Lisboa e Porto the measures envisaged in terms of telecommuting.

In addition, the Government has generally approved “for the consultation of the social partners, a set of measures aimed at the organization of mirror work”, with billing scales between telecommuting and face-to-face work.

“Ensuring the time difference, both in the entrances and exits, as in the breaks and meals” is another of the measures to be implemented in Areas Metropolitan, said António Costa.

Check out the press conference here:

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