It is enough to distance oneself from the “absurd proposal” of a congressman to “remove the ovaries” of women who have had an abortion – O Jornal Económico


Chega distanced himself, through a statement from his national leadership, from the “absurd proposal” presented by the delegate to the national convention Rui Roque, who defended in his motion the removal of the ovaries of women who went to the National Health Service to abort. But he also expressed “the most vehement repudiation of the attempts to link the party, and of its political program,” to the intentions of the congressman, referring to the attacks in the press and on social networks “as an obvious way to slow growth. of the polls ”of the party led by André Ventura.

“Neither the national leadership nor its president are evidently reviewed in this absurd proposal and they will never materialize it in their political program,” the statement also read, highlighting that Rui Roque’s motion “received a clear lead and the evident rejection by deputies ”, having received 38 votes in favor and 216 against.

In his “Global Strategic Movement for Portugal”, the former member of the National Renewal Party (PNR) defends that “women who abort in the Public Health Service, for reasons that are not of immediate danger to their health, whose baby does not present malformations or have been victims of rape, the ovaries must be removed, as a way to extricate the State from the duty of repeatedly killing unborn Portuguese, who have no one to defend them in the current situation ”.

Chega’s national convention took place this weekend in Évora and was marked by a climate of internal conflict that resulted in two “leads” for the list of national leadership presented by André Ventura. Faced with the impasse, he admitted his resignation, despite having been re-elected president by 99.4% of the militants two weeks ago, which contributed to two thirds of the congressmen approving the new vice presidents and members of the third attempt, and early Sunday night.
