It is already snowing in Galicia (and it can snow on the highest peaks of Gerês)


The Póvoa de Varzim / Vila do Conde Hospital Center, in the Porto district, announced today that it has reached the limit in the treatment capacity of patients infected by SARS-Cov-2, having filled the 39 beds assigned to the disease.

The hospital unit, which serves some 140,000 inhabitants of those two municipalities, recalled that, since October, the number of places for the admission of these patients has increased fivefold, from seven to 39 in about two months.

“With the current 39 beds assigned to patients infected with SARS-Cov-2, the Hospital Center has reached the maximum limit of the installed capacity for this purpose, which causes some limitations in the surgical activity. Of the seven beds for the treatment of patients with covid-19, existing in October, the Hospital Center now has 39, due to the critical evolution of the situation, with the consequent increase in hospitalizations, “the unit said in a statement.

In the same text, the Hospital Center pointed out that “the sudden growth of the pandemic hampered the projected conversion of the unit” into a Covid Free Hospital.

Thus, the entire 2nd floor of the building, where the surgery and internal medicine services operated, is now reserved for the treatment of patients with covid-19, reaching the limit of possible installed capacity.

“The readjustment of the hospital facilities to the scale of the pandemic caused the entire surgical area to be concentrated on the first floor of the Póvoa de Varzim unit, while the Vila do Conde unit remained as a Covid-free unit for patients of internal medicine ”, added the Hospital Center.

According to data from the Directorate General of Health, Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim are among the 17 municipalities in the country with the highest incidence of covid-19, with the municipality of Coimbra registering 1,626 infected per 100,000 inhabitants and Vila do Conde 1,605.

In Portugal, since the start of the pandemic in March, 4,056 people have died of the 268,721 confirmed cases of contagion, according to the latest bulletin from the General Health Directorate.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.
