“It does not seem very logical to keep the Portuguese waiting.” Marcelo says that the Christmas rules should be known next week – Actualidade


In response to journalists’ questions, at the end of an initiative at the facilities of the Public newspaper in Lisbon, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa indicated that during the week it will be known which rules to comply with during Christmas, depending on the validity of the State of Emergency .

“Next week there will be news about this, there will be an epidemiological session, there will be a hearing of political parties, there will be, of course, the opinion of the Government, there will be authorization from the Assembly of the Republic, and then there will be the decision of the President of the Republic, ”he said. the head of state.

The current period of the state of emergency, a legal exception framework that can only be valid for 15 days, without prejudice to possible renewals, ends at 23:59 on December 8. If it is renewed for another 15 days, the new period will begin at 00:00 hours on December 9, until 23:59 hours on December 23.

However, according to the President of the Republic, the Portuguese will not have to wait for the assessment of what happens in those 15 days “to know what they are going to do during Christmas.”

Although, to comply with the Constitution, the period to renew the state of emergency, the next one, if any, ends at 23:59 on the 23rd. [de dezembro]It seems to me common sense that the Portuguese know in advance how they can organize that Christmas weekend: 24, 25, 26, 27 ”, he said.

Still regarding the next renewal of the state of emergency, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa pointed out that December 8 is a holiday and said that “the last day that the Assembly of the Republic has to pronounce is next Friday.”

“So we are relatively close to that moment of decision on renewal and in what terms of the state of emergency,” he added.

During the current covid-19 pandemic, a state of emergency was enacted to allow measures to contain the spread of this disease and was renewed twice in a row, from March 19 to May 2. It was re-enacted in November and has already been renewed once.

To renew this legal framework for another 15 days, which allows the suspension of the exercise of certain rights, freedoms and guarantees, the President of the Republic must have to listen to the Government and have the authorization of the Assembly of the Republic.

In Portugal, 4,276 people have died from covid-19, in a total of 285,838 cases of infection recorded, according to the General Directorate of Health (DGS).
