“It does not seem easy for the legislature to pass. I am closer to being prime minister ”, believes Rui Rio – O Jornal Economico.


The president of the PSD, Rui Rio, considered this Wednesday that it is very likely that this government will not comply with the legislature and after this fragility, it is closer to assuming the position of prime minister.

“It does not seem easy for the legislature to go all the way because there are cracks in the agreements on the left. The situation in the Azores, the noise it generated shows the divisions in the PS, in the Government (even in the Government) and in the parliamentary group. Honestly, I think I am closer to being prime minister, “said the PSD leader, questioned about this possibility in an interview with” TVI24. “

Rui Rio criticized the government’s management of the pandemic and did what he could do in another way: “In July, August and September it was imperative that the Government had a different management from the second wave. Why the Government did not negotiate the beds that exist in Portugal with private and social. Now it is late and at a bad time. The organization in health centers and hospitals was not the best ”.
