Isabel dos Santos in international investigation that reveals how criminal organizations use banks – World


A leak of more than 2,000 reports sent by various banks to the US authorities between 1999 and 2017 reveals bank transfers of more than 2,000 million dollars – about 1,690 million euros – associated with money laundering and corruption schemes. The reports were sent to FinCEN, the federal agency for fighting financial crimes that gives its name to the investigation.

It was coordinated by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), it was promoted by the BuzzFeed News, who managed to get the set of reports and decided to share them. Some of these documents were obtained after the investigation of the United States Congress into the alleged interference of Russia in the 2016 American presidential elections.

The banks with the most reports included are Deutsche Bank (982), Bank of New York Mellon (325), Standard Chartered (232), JP Morgan Chase (107) or Barclays (104). The money included in these transfers, says BuzzFeed News, was used to fund drug cartels, organized crime and wars, as well as corrupt leaders from various countries and human trafficking.

The bank documents were shared with the United States government but hidden from the public, and the investigation reveals that the Trump administration has made executive accountability even more difficult. Among the main targets of the FinCEN Files are the Angolan businesswoman Isabel dos Santos and Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s campaign leader in the 2016 presidential elections, as well as the Brazilian company Odebrecht, a central part of the Lava Jato investigation.

HSBC allowed fraudulent transfer of millions of dollars

British bank HSBC has allowed millions of dollars to be transferred fraudulently around the world, even after it became aware of the fraud, according to secret documents released, the BBC reported today.

The UK’s largest bank transferred money through its US business to HSBC accounts in Hong Kong in 2013 and 2014, according to information in a confidential file.

The BBC also indicated that the files now reveal details of what the bank’s role was in an investment fraud estimated at 80 million dollars (more than 67 million euros).

The documents also show that the investment scam, known as the Ponzi scheme, began shortly after the British bank was fined 1.4 billion pounds (1.9 billion dollars or 1.6 billion euros) in the United States for operations. credit. money laundering, when it promised to eradicate this type of practice.

Isabel dos Santos
The name of the daughter of José Eduardo dos Santos, former president of Angola, appears in two reports on suspicious activity, both from 2013. The first was sent to FinCEN by an employee of the compliance department of JP Morgan Chase Bank, in the United States. , and shows how this US bank helped Isabel dos Santos with transfers associated with her family and the Angolan State, despite not being her client.

According to the weekly Expresso, which is an integral part of the ICIJ, among the suspicious movements is a transfer of 4 million dollars made by Isabel dos Santos’ husband, Sindika Dokolo, which is related to the financing with public money of the public company of Sodiam Diamonds, for the purchase of De Grisogono jewelry, which went bankrupt earlier this year.

The second report, sent by Standard Chartered to FinCEN, does not directly mention the name of Isabel dos Santos but of Unitel, the Angolan telecommunications company of which she is a shareholder and has already been president, in a transfer of US $ 18.7 million to a BPI account in Lisbon, on behalf of a company called Vidatel Limited.
