Is the UK about to put Portugal back on the blacklist?



The expert says that leaving the safe corridor could happen next week.

Travel expert and former BBC journalist Paul Charles, who reviews COVID-19 cases around the world on a daily basis, is being quoted by the British press, who anticipates Portugal’s departure from the UK air corridor soon.

“Unfortunately, Portugal is rapidly returning to the red zone. The Portuguese government is preparing the state of contingency as of September 15. Most likely it will be added to the UK quarantine on September 5. Greece is now amber “. Italy has a growing number of cases but it is still in the green ”, wrote the leader of the tourism consultancy.

It is recalled that Portugal seems to be witnessing a significant increase in new cases, having registered, since Wednesday, figures higher than three hundred infections, having in fact counted 401 infections on Friday. However, the data for this Saturday show a slight decrease, having counted 374 confirmed positive diagnoses in the last 24 hours.

Felipe Froes, coordinator of the covid-19 crisis office of the Order of Doctors (OM), had left the alert on Friday that Portugal was running the risk of “losing the safe corridor”.
