Interview. The USA is going to use Covid-19 as a “political press party” against o Irão


The year 2020 began with war threats and an enormous escalation of tension between the United States and the United States, after a sequence of mutual confrontations such as Iraque as a backdrop. I protest and destabilize you together with the North American Embassy in Bagdade in the last days of 2019, and on these days, the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, will raise the antecipation or pior for that region of the globe, as well as tension and tension between you two countries to grow from the top of the world media agenda for the first few weeks of the year.

In the meantime, the first news of a new virus emerged that brought the first restrictions and confinement orders in China.

A Covid-19 pandemic trumps colossal challenges to various countries of the world and Irão não foi exceção. According to the most recent numbers, or novo coronavírus já fez mais de 6,028 dead victims and registered 94,640 cases of infection not country. Ainda em fevereiro and beginning of March, or Irão was the first two countries in the world to embrace the consequences of the pandemic of China.

In declarations to RTP, or ambassador of Irão in Portugal, he considers that the Islamic Republic managed to overcome this battle, rather than a war against viruses that have not yet been defeated. Nesta interview by e-mail, Morteza Damanpak Jami explains what are the measures to return to normality to the serem adopted by a country that started to pre-empt the consequences of Covid-19.

Embaixador do Irão em Lisboa since June 2019, Morteza Damanpak Jami realça that Teerão’s efforts do not fight a pandemic only because of the difficulties of North American sanctions against the country, accusing the United States of using Covid-19 as “uma alavanca de political pressão ”, as the final objective of“ overthrowing the Islamic Republic ”.

At this point, the United States is the country with the most cases and the highest number of deaths (more than 61 thousand deaths). Nesse âmbito, or diplomat representing, or Governo de Teerão em Lisboa considers that a decision of the United States to withdraw its support for the World Health Organization is “shameful”, rather than surpreende e is attached in line with other decisões da Administração Trump, since logo with a unilateral withdrawal of the agreement on the Irão nuclear program, May 2018.

Sub-believing the words of the chief of Iranian diplomacy, Javad Zarif, or ambassador Morteza Damanpak Jami considers that Covid-19 was the most wasteful opportunity for the United States to be suspended. On the other hand, Washington opted to keep the “maximum pressure” campaign that continues to prevent or access by the Irão to decisive ferramentas that does not combat a pandemic, appoints or Iranian ambassador in Lisbon.

“Or viruses will remain connosco”

Question: You have several complicated weeks, due to a pandemic of some synapses of some kind of non-Irão. Ainda assim, foi um two most shaved countries peels Covid-19. How did the authorities confront you or viruses in your country with the dimensions and population of Irão? Can we say that or pior já passou?

Answer: Sim, or Irão has been severely shaved novo coronavirus for the last two months and or viruses have been spread all over the country or become an epidemic. You are the first cases of infection by fora coronaviruses detected on February 19, 2020. Since then, more than 91,000 foram cases have been identified as more than 5,800 registered deaths, placing Irão among the most affected countries. Among those who lost their lives, there was an alarming number of medical personnel, including doctors and nurses involved in the non-treatment of patients with Covid-19.

In the absence of access to adequate medications, adequate medical devices and individual protective equipment, this is the reason for this high rate of mortality among patients and professionals of Iranian health during the first wave of death.

However, going to health structures and medical professions considered among the best of the region, or to the necessary and preventive measures that the country or country intends in order to prevent, control and prevent the spread of the disease, including an order of total recovery Vespers of the Persian Anus Novo – Nowruz – which entered into force on March 20, as an enclosure of public places, such as stadiums, restaurants, cinemas, mesquitas e sanctuaries, locais educacionais, public officials in teletrabalho, enclosure of companies não-essenciais e proibição de viagens entre cidades. The measures implemented to combat or spread of coronavirus, among others, include:

• Criação da Comissão National Directorate on the command of the president;
• Creation of the National Monitoring Center of Covid-19 with 12 subcommittees under the tutelage of the Minister of Health and Medical Education;
• Opening / conversation of 45 diagnostic laboratories in all or country;
• Launching of a campaign at national level to count on Covid-19 (through the early detection of cases, tracking of contacts, isolation, treatment, involvement of the community …);
• Through an extraordinary measure, online triage of more than 65 milhões de iranianos (all população 83 milhões will be tracked); an experience that can be shared with other shaved countries;
• Support of all the two tests, treatment and hospitalization of the government and the national social security system;
• School and university enclosure, with online teaching classrooms, from the first cycle of basic teaching to university teaching, such as distance teaching programs through national television or web platforms;
• Ativação de serviços de emergegência by means of a specific telephone line for Covid-19 (190);
• Mobilization of civil society agents, including volunteers, humanitarian organizations located among other social groups for various purposes, especially to disinfect public spaces and produce equipment for individual protection;
• Provision of all necessary medical services, free of charge, to refugees who are afflicted twice a year by two Iranian citizens;
• Treatment going to therapeutic plasma for some patients with Covid-19 with bem-happened results.

Through these measures, or Governo is to provide all or possible support to the health system to identify and treat patients, reduce transmission tax and combat doença effectively.

O facto that taxa de recuperação no Irão since o início do surto has been promising, é em si, uma boa notícia. We also took rigorous measures to break the transmission chain, flatten the case curve and prevent the spread of viruses. The World Health Organization (WHO) reconhected the competence and capacity of the Iranian health system to effectively cope with the situation as well as comprehensive and rigorous measures of Government to treat or treat patients, mobilizing all the ways and means available to you, so as to benefit the assistance of all the competent sectors of society.

As a consequence of giving metered measures, I could say that Irão managed to overcome a battle against viruses, and now he is doing everything to stop the spread of the epidemic. Ou seja, or pior já passou. In the last few days, the number of infected people daily has come to reduce substantially and the number of deaths has decreased for a third period compared to a tax registered in March. On the other hand, to taxa of recovered donors not Irão (about 70,000 two more than 90,000 infected até agora) and 73%, or second highest in the world. Mas isso não means that a crise is outdated. Or viruses will remain familiar to us for a longer period, in our countries, we must learn to cope with this silent and invisible enemy.

Divisão do território por cores

There are several countries, nomadically in Europe, that now begin to draw plans for or return to normality. Or does Irão foresee for short this gradual return to normality? How?

Bem, depois of a modest national blockade that was imposed since or the beginning of March, and has become a relative non-level pandemic, or Nosso Governo agora is adopting a policy of intelligent social distance, trying to reduce or isolate some companies in Baixo cliff, including open lojas to or public, restaurants, movement between cities, etc.

On the other hand, or the National Control Center of Covid-19 classified as all regions of the country in three categories in terms of level of infection: brancas, amarelas and vermelhas areas. As branded areas têm or number of confirmed cases and deaths due to more reduced coronaviruses, and consequently, we can return to normal activities, including reopening of high-risk companies, places of worship and commercial centers.

More, at the same time, he asked for weight to be ficarem in the house and fazer or isolation and social distancing. As or president [Hassan] Rouhani disse numa recente reunião no Centro Nacional de Control de Covid-19, it cannot be said that either viruses are defeated unless a cow is developed. With the alert level at reduced forem weight monitoring, there may be a second line of outbreaks, even in the branche areas. As people are still aconselhadas to continue in the home and não sairem, except when necessary, tied to a situation will normalize.

Nesse returns to normality exists um trade-off that all countries must be given attention: enter or return gradually to normality so that the economy is not paralyzed, and the guarantee of security and containment of viruses is not processed. How do you know about this assessment in a country that was experiencing great economic difficulties, even before the pandemic? Will it be possible to return to normality with all health insurance?

For us or Governo, the first priority during a pandemic and the safeguard of public health. The aforementioned measures above should serve this purpose. Therefore, as President or President during a recent meeting of the Conselho de Ministros, “to the health of the principle for us, but to the production of the society also to the principle. We need to combine these principles to check on a suitable decision (so to face the crises). ”

De facto, or Governo has to be the counter or effect of the collective effort of social isolation in the besieged economy of Irão, which is under heavy sanções impostas hairs of the United States. In other words, it is only two challenges that make it difficult for Irão to eradicate doença. On the other hand, such as other countries that are not affected by the world, or a country that faces difficulties and obstacles to cope with a pandemic. Obviously, due to great economic difficulties, even before the pandemic, Teerão did not have sufficient resources to import social regulation and quarentena, or take other measures to counteract or succeed.

On the other hand, the American sanctions have two precious oil prices, a serious impact on the economy, country or country that requires financial and medical resources – from food and medicine to monetary transfers – to carry out a national policy of social isolation and quarentena effective so as to conter or surto. O Irão cannot be given the luxury of paralyzing its economy and therefore extraordinary containment measures.

For this reason, it was practically impossible due to measures of social isolation, once when Governo would be unable to financially support the people who were active in keeping home.

O Governo took all possible measures to alleviate the negative impacts of its vast economic economy on heavy North American sanctions, including a rescue of 6 thousand euros to support companies, businesses and the labor market, two quais 1,5 thousand milhões são granted. Delivery of loans in dinheiro equivalent to 1.5 thousand milhões de dollars to 23 milhões de iranianos, in order to help families to cope with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, attribution of one thousand milhões de euros from Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento to o setor da saúde e uma moratória de três mes para o pago de Loans from banks são algumas das governmental measures taken as an objective to mitigate or impact the pandemic in the economy.

More, more than once, due to the limitation of own financial resources to support or economic sector, or Irão needs to advance with a gradual reopening of the economy, something that is never done.

Absence of sanções would avoid “unnecessary death”

The aforementioned economic difficulties will result in many North American sanctions that have come to be implemented since 2018, as a unilateral withdrawal by two United States according to the nuclear program, a situation that also led to a growing regulation of the rest of the country. world has become extraterritorial sanções.

Sem se sanções, resposta do Irão this pandemic has been different? What is the current or real impact of the economy and the health of Irão, during or combat with Covid-19?

The feitos reached by the country in order to cope with the pandemic of the greatest possible form – tornado or Irão, two countries that are most successful-nessa battles – only carried out in the shadow of the most difficult economic sanctions in history. Obviously, the sanções não estivessem em vigor eo Irão tivesse acessso a propriños, who are located in the country, to buy medicines and necessary medical devices, and can be sold normally in other countries, as they have been very popular in recent years. thermos of pandemic and avoid so many unnecessary deaths.

More leaf, or Irão is to sofrer the most extreme North American sanções against seu povo, including those attested by Covid-19. However, two United States do not only prohibit American companies and individuals from conducting legal trade with Iranian counterparts, but since all other countries and companies are also intimidated to refrain from making legitimate Iranian businesses, including to medicine bandage.

So many conditions, it is sad and regrettable that the efforts of the country are intentionally committed and the self-sacrifices are implanted with the prejudiced pela deliberate campaign of obstruction caused by the North American Governo hair in order to deprive or Irão of own financial resources, essenciais does not combat doença. The United States will continue to prevent international financial transactions or transportation of children, such as drugs and medical equipment, leading to acute scarcity of multiple items, including kits tests, ventilators and respiratory devices do not start surto no Irão.

Based on some information, more than 90% of the licenses requested from the Office for the Control of Foreign Assets of the United States (OFAC) by companies that tend to sell medical equipment to or from São Paulo.

The Administracion Trump is hypocritical in the way he claims that as sanções não prejudicam o trader de Medicamentos e outros bens humanitarianitás, but as sanções impedem transações financeiras, Seguro e Transportes Internacionais, any trade, including drugs and medical devices, become , practical, impossible. Several companies that provide or need medical equipment to combat or coronavirus cancel them entrusted to or Irão because your banks refused to administer the transactions.

Do I have this fragility, or am I afraid of being able to carry out the necessary diagnostic tests? Or country are you fans and necessary equipments? At this point, in a dimension of tragedy not a country and truly made and revealed by the health authorities?

I did not start out, like many other countries with viral hair, including some European countries, or Irão was not fully prepared to deal with a pandemic. There was a lack of sufficient medical devices, including kits of test, masks of protection and fans. I do not mean, or that it is very difficult for you to make the effort to access these materials and medical-hospital equipment that are essential for continuous economic sanctions in the United States, as I explained.

But because of the situation and to save either its poor, or Irão started an international campaign against the illegal states of the United States. On March 14, a letter addressed to several heads of foreign Governors, or President Rouhani asked that you help prevent the two United States, considering the situation of a non-country coronavirus epidemic.

Emados de Março, or Governor of the Central Bank of Irão, asked the Fundo Monetário Internacional (IMF) for an emergency loan of 5 thousand dollars to fight a pandemic – a request that the US is to be blocked.

O Minister dos Negócios Estrangeiros do Irão, Mohammad Javad Zarif, also I published a list of urgently needed medical devices and equipment for Iranian health professionals, such as ventilators and individually protective equipment.

Non-foreign Iranian diplomatic representatives, including Nossa Embaixada em Lisboa, also lançaram uma campanha to mobilize international assistance in order to support luta do Irão against or Covid-19 and increase global awareness of or negative impact of sanções dos Estados Unidos contra o I will go during a pandemic.

As a result of these efforts, in addition to medical assistance from WHO, some neighboring countries and friends of Irão – such as China, Russia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates – perceberam a gravidade da crise e foram celebrated in the country with financial assistance and humanitarian aid.

This timely assistance helps to mitigate or muito negative impact of the first wave of the pandemic. Furthermore, thanks to its national capabilities, or Irão managed to produce all its medical needs for combating or coronaviruses, such as ventilators, test kits, protective masks, sorology for coronaviruses at home and a serious exporter of equipment. O Irão also locally produces more than 90% of his necessary medications.

In connection with the management of tragédia, fontes fora do Irão affirmed that the Iranian Governo delayed to recognize the existence of Covid-19 and reagiu slowly did not fight propagation of viruses. He is excused to tell you that you are tireless in campaigning and lobbies anti-Irão mainly sponsored hair terrorist group MKO[alsomadeby[tambémconhecidoporMujahedin-e-Khalq, ou MEK]e anti-Irão press groups, as well as organizations lobby belligerents such as the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) and the American Committee of Public Affairs of Israel (AIPAC), together with a level of public mistrust within the country, will provide space for a large amount of misinformation, supporting the efforts of the system of Iranian health for conter or virus.

I do not mean, since or since I started, that the Government of President Rouhani feared efforts to accompany the rapid dissemination of viruses, including an order for full recovery of the eve of the Persian year, which entered into force on March 20. From now on when Governo has certain that no country has entered, criou or Centro Nacional de Controlo de Covid-19. O own president assumiu to gestão da crise and the authorities of saúde começaram immediately to issue measures to conter a doença, as I mentioned in response to the first question.

As an example, the national campaign against or coronaviruses are the main measures adopted by a country in all or the world does not fight against viruses, with more than 65 milhões de pessoas traced até agora through this plane. Portanto, or Governo has total control and information on the magnitude of the tragedy and nessa base, is to fazer tudo to conter a doença.

I asked about the capacity of the country to carry out the screening tests. I refer to the data released daily by the WHO on Covid-19, which indicates that the total number of tests carried out is not due to the same year as France, and the number of tests carried out in Greece or Japan, as an equivalent proportion. at 5,150 tests at Covid-19 for each milhão of pesos.

It gives the same form, in proportion to deaths in relation to all cases of infected people not Irão, and 69 for each milhão, comparing with 503 in Spain, 446 in Italy, 357 in the United States or 90 in Portugal. These data prove that the successes of the Irão do not combat the coronavírus perante as sanções ilegais dos Estados Unidos são notáveis.

We live historical days, not what I say I respect the price of oil. O Irão is a major world exporter of this resource, but because of the United States, this was a field in which the country was facing great difficulties. Did Covid-19 also have an impact at this level?

As North American sanções as the main source of the Iranian oil industry as the main source of government revenue, as a major source of the country’s GDP. After the unilateral withdrawal of two United States of the nuclear agreement and the reimposição of the totality of American sanctions against or Irão, houve uma remains substantial in the production and export of Iranian oil.

This happened despite the fact that the United States has withdrawn from the agreement, others, including União Europeia, will remain in disagreement and will, in fact, be facilitated or legitimate international trade in Irão, including oil sales. But, surprisingly, the North American press, as well as imports of Iranian oil by the União Europeia, had more than 700 thousand barris per year for zero in 2018.

It embores a participation of national oil recipes not reduced to a maximum of 10% in 2020, it is still the main safe sources of the oil. Therefore, any oil remains unaffected by a direct impact of the country, and the logo in full supply of coronaviruses.

The oil market has never been installed due to a price war between some producers of the Organization of Two Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other countries that are not members of OPEC, but in the meantime, a Covid-19 pandemic caused a drastic reduction in the oil supply worldwide due to restrictive policies in many countries. Isso contributed even more to lower oil prices and feared a notable impact on the economies of two oil-producing countries, including Irão.

But, despite all these setbacks, or Irão is facing the current crisis in the oil market as an opportunity to diversify even more into its economy, reducing to dependence on the recent recipes by selling oil and finally freeing itself once and for all. gives dominance of the black economy in the national economy.

“The ball is on the side of União Europeia”

Em janeiro, or Irão afastou-se is added two more commitments assumed not agreed on the nuclear program. Nessa height, to União Europeia – which has been defended by the maintenance of the understanding – has some of the sinais of cedência perante Washington, ao ter actuated or safeguard mechanism, or which will be able to lead to reposição das sanções multilaterais which have been lifted.

What is the pandemic like, what will be the future of the nuclear issue and what will it do? To economic crisis in the Europe Union after Covid-19 will it be able to reduce even more or the role of European diplomacy in this context? Deixa de haver margem de manbra perante os the United States?

Convém rever where we are in relation to the nuclear agreement. This was reached an agreement after 12 years of diplomacy and negotiations. Or result foi um accord win-win, ou seja, advantageous for all parties involved and for all the international community, I have been endorsed by resolution 2231 of the Conselho de Segurança da UN. The agreement entered into force in 2016 and has the objective of raising a box suitable for the Irão and the parceiros estabelecerem uma relação de cooperação e mutually beneficial.

Not in the scope of the agreement, or Irão voluntarily acceded to some limitations of its peaceful nuclear program, in which other parts it will also commit to suspend all sanções impostas ao Irão and promise to allow or Irão to benefit from the stipulated economic benefits not agreed. O Irão implemented all its obligations, confirmed in 16 reports of the UN nuclear watchdog organization, to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

But suddenly, a North American populist president, as a pretext based on wanting to destroy or Obama’s legacy, assumiu or power in Casa Branca and unilaterally decided to abandon or agreed in May 2018, ignoring the binding resolution of the UN and all your own compromises. Or Irão will remain fully compliant with the agreement, in the last year after the withdrawal of two United States, it may be terminated immediately upon its implementation on the basis of the agreement.

However, other parties will prefer not to agree. In particular, to UE3 [Reino Unido, França e Alemanha] It promises not to fully implement its commitments, but also to compensate two US states. From then on, he passed a year and a half, and he did not do anything other than obey bullying American and growing pressão placed on o Irão.

I would like to remind you that the President disse logo após terem reached or agreed in Vienna, July 2015, that this is an example for future collaborations. It is a model that, if all parties or we will implement in a total and sincere way, can be a model to resolve other areas of dispute between us, say, the western countries.

Unfortunately, porém, não foi uma boa lição – uma boa lição for us who entrust ourselves to our partners in business. Um já abandonedou or agreed on the basis of wrong arguments and, unfortunately, nothing was feito by the European countries. The time we saw that the EU would not take any concrete measure, we would not have another option to exercise, or we would not agree to do so, or, gradually, reduce the limitations that we have oiled from our nuclear program.

As mentioned in your question, the last stage of this reduction was carried out in January 2015. Therefore, at this moment, we can say that or according to no morreu, but he is in a coma. Now it depends on the EU to revive it, to take concrete measures to allow Irão to benefit from the agreement, to stop obeying the extraterritorial sanctions of the United States, to enforce the regulations that allow the sanctions of third parties to be outlined and to take some measures for the delinquent INSTEX , ou senão, simply say that or according morra na praia. Therefore, the ball is on the side of the Europe Union, assuming that regional and international insurance, I do not like or respect multilateralism and international agreements are important to them.

With regard to any position in relation to the United States, it is only possible to add that, with regard to the circumstances referred to, the only way for the United States to enter into dialogue with or with the agreement, will suspend all illegal sanctions, they will compensate for the economic losses of the most recent Irão. It has been two years since its participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, nome formal do agreed), and it will be de facto that the incorrect policy of maximum pressure falhou.

Behavior dos EUA “não surpreende ninguém”

Several specialists and political decision-makers have warned that there must be a global response to the pandemic. On the other hand, we fear a superpower like the United States, which cut or financed the World Health Organization and turned the coasts to or multilateralism.

More or more, Irão, who has been isolated for us international boxes for the last decades, will also be able to cooperate with other countries, including with great regional enemies, to avoid vague novas from the country. How is he doing for this challenge?

At the decision of the United States to cut or finance WHO, which is the most responsible organization in the world to deal with health crises, and logo during a pandemic, and innocent and shameful. Because of the important role that the organization has played in providing health services to the poorest and most vulnerable regions of the planet, such as Africa, this year of bullying It can be considered as a collective punishment against all humanity. But this type of behavior came from two United States and did not surpass any, which is why Governo desistiu from many international organizations and agreements, including the Paris Agreement on climate change, NAFTA, UNESCO and the Iranian nuclear agreement.

As long as viruses continue to devastate cities and communities throughout the world, the number of victims increases at an alarming rate, the fact that Covid-19 is not restricted to geographical borders, but does not differentiate them by raça, cor, nationality, gender, idade, social class, etc.

Thanks to the situation and the cliffs that are inert to this global pandemic, it is only serious and dangerous that the State of Sozinho can face it individually or isolate it. Collective efforts and coordinated at the world level are only prerequisites to face this challenge that pervades all or our planet.

As emphasized, e bem, num relantório recente do secretário-geral da UN on the impact of Covid-19: “O world is facing semi-preceding challenges. We have to respond decisively, innovatively and jointly in order to overcome the spread of viruses and face the socio-economic devastation that Covid-19 is going to cause in all regions and countries … Or that the world needs now to be solidary. with which we can defeat or viruses and build a future melhor. ”

Therefore, contrary to the North American policies of isolation and selfish behavior, or the world must unite against this ameaça comum da Covid-19, unite resources for a worldwide contention and, above all, help to reinforce the idea that or multilateralism works.

Infelizmente, a Administração Trump pensa e age de outra forma. As pessoas de mente fechada na Casa Branca ainda estão presas à mentalidade da Guerra Fria do século XX. Prejudicar a OMS e ingenuamente buscar uma alternativa para esse órgão multilateral é uma política falhada. Trata-se apenas de um encobrimento na tentativa de desviar a atenção da opinião pública da incompetência do Governo Trump em lidar com a crise do novo coronavírus e salvar o povo americano.

O Irão acredita firmemente no multilateralismo, pois tem sido prejudicado mais do que qualquer país do mundo devido ao unilateralismo. A razão pela qual o Irão entrou num longo processo de negociações e diplomacia para resolver o impasse nuclear com o grupo dos 5+1, alcançado em 2015, é um exemplo claro de que o nosso país acredita no multilateralismo.

Além de apoiar totalmente o papel da OMS em ajudar os países a conter o vírus, o Irão também está a trabalhar estreitamente com seus vizinhos e outros países como China e Rússia de modo a lidar coletivamente com a crise. O Irão já apresentou um plano de diálogo e segurança regional para o Golfo Pérsico e o Mar de Omã aos países vizinhos, iniciativa de paz denominada HOPE (Hormuz Peace Endeavour). Acredito que com as lições e ilações tiradas desta pandemia, uma cooperação regional também poderia ser prevista em torno da ideia de “segurança humana” que permite que países da nossa região e fora da região cooperem em questões de saúde, adotem medidas preventivas, de modo a lidar com pandemias e trocar experiências e conhecimentos.

“Castigo coletivo” não será esquecido

O ano de 2020 começou com uma escalada de tensão entre Irão e Estados Unidos, sobretudo após a morte do general Qassem Soleimani. Esta situação parece agora longínqua, com todos os problemas que têm surgido nos últimos meses, tendo em conta a dimensão da pandemia, não só no Irão, mas também nos Estados Unidos.

Neste contexto, será possível reabilitar a relação entre os dois países num futuro próximo? O Irão ainda acredita numa possível cedência por parte dos Estados Unidos no contexto da atual pandemia? Esta pode ser uma oportunidade para aproximar os dois países?

Como disse anteriormente, desde o surto, tem havido um crescente apelo internacional e pressão sobre o Governo dos EUA para suspender as sanções contra o Irão enquanto o país batalha contra o novo coronavírus. Vários membros do Congresso dos EUA progressistas, alguns países da UE, Rússia e China, líderes mundiais, incluindo o papa Francisco na sua mensagem de Páscoa, o ex-vice-presidente Joe Biden, o secretário-geral da ONU António Guterres e a alta-comissária da ONU para os Direitos Humanos, Michelle Bachelet, um grupo de 24 diplomatas e responsáveis internacionais, organizações internacionais, o Grupo 77 + China e o Movimento dos Países Não-Alinhados (NAM), conselhos editoriais e ativistas da sociedade civil, exigiram à Administração Trump que levante sanções impostas ao Irão enquanto o país enfrenta a pandemia.

O Governo Trump, no entanto, não mostrou quaisquer sinais de atender a esses pedidos e ainda não demonstrou interesse em querer aliviar a pressão sobre o Irão. De facto, desde que a crise da Covid-19 começou, o Governo norte-americano anunciou novas sanções contra o país, o que prova que está viciado em sanções.

Aparentemente, as opiniões do Governo Trump estão alinhadas com os falcões de Washington que há anos estão empenhados em derrubar a República Islâmica e podem até ver a presente crise como uma oportunidade para que isso aconteça. É óbvio que o Governo dos EUA está de forma descarada a usar a doença como uma alavanca de pressão política contra o Irão.

É um facto inegável que, desde 8 de maio de 2018, quando os Estados Unidos renegaram unilateral e ilegalmente os seus compromissos, têm tido como alvo persistente o comércio legal iraniano com outras nações, o que foi explicitamente garantido pelo acordo, do qual o Irão era parte integrante, mesmo um ano após a retirada unilateral dos EUA do pacto.

Recentemente, porém, e após o surto do novo coronavírus, os EUA estão a usar de maneira vergonhosa a situação para promoverem a sua campanha indiscriminada de pressão económica num ato imoral de impedir o acesso do Irão a dispositivos médicos. Os desenvolvimentos atuais têm demonstrado manifestamente a real intenção e objetivo da chamada campanha de “pressão máxima” dos Estados Unidos contra a República Islâmica: um castigo coletivo contra a nação iraniana.

Com uma visão tão errada e um comportamento imoral existente na Casa Branca em relação ao Irão e mantendo a ignorância perante o apelo internacional generalizado para a suspensão das sanções contra o país no meio do surto, parece que não há espaço para o Irão alcançar qualquer tipo de reconciliação com esse Governo belicista. Como escreveu o ministro [iraniano dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Javad] Zarif num recente tweet: “A Covid-19 foi uma oportunidade para os EUA abandonarem o vício pelas sanções, mas agora viverá em infâmia na memória do nosso povo.”

Fotografias: Embaixada do Irão em Portugal / Abedin Taherkenareh – EPA / Carlos Barria – Reuters
