Internships, hiring, free museums and other OE measures that may interest you | State budget 2021


Are you from the Public Administration area?

So stay tuned because there will be a Internship program in central and local government in 2021 for young unemployed or looking for their first job.

Last October, the Ministry of Modernization of the State and Public Administrations had already expressed its intention to renew the staff of the public function, a measure that must now be implemented. Details on the vacancies or the selection criteria are not yet known.

Newly specialized doctors can be hired …

Newly specialized doctors “who have successfully completed the specific role” will be able to apply to the competitions “With a view to establishing a public employment bond in the form of a contract of employment in public functions, in the case of establishments and services integrated in the public administrative sector, or with a view to entering into employment contracts, in the case of entities with public business entity ”, reads the document to which the PUBLIC had access.

The competitions will be launched in May or June, in the normal season, and October or November, in the special season, but “never after the 30-day deadline for the approval and publication of the final classification of medical practice.

In 2021 there will also be reinforced vacancies for posting physicians in areas needing physicians, with an indefinite employment contract. The vacancy identification is expected to be published by the end of the first quarter of 2021.

… and health professionals too

At the end of the first quarter of 2021, the Government will carry out a Survey of the needs of health professionals, considering 4200 hires..

Those who study heritage do not need to pay to see it.

The entrance to the museums and national monuments will be free for the students of professional and superior formation in the historical-artistic and tourist, patrimonial and cultural management fields. This is one of the measures to encourage research on cultural heritage. To benefit from the exemption, the student must present a document that accredits it.

And mental health?

In 2021, the Government is expected to continue implementing the National Mental Health Plan, focusing on strengthening “community mental health teams for adults, children and adolescents”; “implement programs for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression”; “Strengthening the offer of comprehensive mental health care integrated in all health regions”; “Installation of inpatient psychiatric and mental health responses in acute hospitals, which do not yet have this capacity” and “creation of residential responses for chronic mental disorders residents in psychiatric hospitals”.
