Internships for serious respiratory conditions have been over the past two years


São Paulo – There is a tendency to accelerate without growth due to Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in all of Brazil. It is the one that indicates or novo weekly report of the InfoGripe system, an initiative that monitors the states and presents the alert levels of reported cases from the year to the Reporting System of Injuries (Sinan).

A valuation of the epidemiological situation of the country, between April 19 to 25, reveals that all the regions follow the ridge zone and the weekly activity is very high for SARS. More than the incidence of cases and deaths, it is above all the North and Northeast regions. A doença is listed as one of the main complications caused by viruses, among them, o novo coronavírus (Sars-CoV-2) and o Influenza (H1N1).

According to the report, overall, 44.7 thousand cases of SARS were reported this year. After that, 11.3 thousand positive tests for some respiratory viruses, another 14.8 thousand added to the results. Among the positives, 6.9% were Influenza C type A, 3.6% Influenza B, 3.9% respiratory syncytial virus and 77.5% for Covid-19 virus.

Or coronavírus também foi or main responsável pelas complications that took to death. Total of 5,580 deaths in decorrência da syndrome, 92.7% positive for Covid-19. A platform, however, estimates that the number of cases of death may be even greater. Due to or delay in the insertion of two non-system data, or InfoGripe guarantees that the updated total shows around 62.6 thousand cases and 7 thousand deaths.

Situation and worrying

À Agência de Notícias da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), or InfoGripe coordinator, Marcelo Gomes, stated that the situation is “particularly worrying”. “Both in the number of cases, in the number of deaths due to SARS, in the last month after notification or delay in notification, we are, in 2020, officially on top of two of 2019 and 2016. This is particularly worrisome in 2016 and last year since 2009, when there was a H1N1 pandemic ”, destacou.

In addition to demanding hospitalization, severe acute respiratory syndrome also included symptoms such as fever, dry cough, headache, muscle pain, and difficulty breathing.

O bulletin ainda chama atenção for a resumed acceleration of two cases. Secondly, given that there was an explosion in the period between March 8 to 21, more or more cases began to occur at a slower pace from March 22 to April 4, following the measures of social isolation. But, from then on, the notifications will return to accelerate. For the researchers, it is necessary to be cautious when interpreting the data given due to or the delay of the digitação observed.

To Fiocruz, which acts as a partner with the InfoGripe system, it is also worth noting that, given the panorama presented, or recommended, the maintenance of social isolation measures “to avoid hospital demand above the capacity of care”. Or the bulletin highlights that with its own measurement two dice can be prejudiced with the saturation of the health system.
